Please note that this is not a massive spamming upload, if this works this post should just link to, and display, all the video files I uploaded to the forum in the past. How did I do this? When you go into your profile, under “Preferences - Account - Export your data” you can download a .zip file containing your forum data. From this you open the file user_archive.csv and copy the content of column E, “post_cooked”, to your clipboard.
You then go to Extract URLs where you can extract all the links that contain “.mp4” for example. Et voilà.
(Edit: don’t forget to uncheck “Sort URL addresses” or your list won’t be in chronological order.)
(Edit 2: The forum engine seems to have problems with long lists of video, so I had to split the dump into two replies. And although it should have removed duplicates, files that I had re-linked at other places in the forum do appears as duplicates.)
As for the videos, during my time as Premium Subscriber (We need other payment options, Verotel doesn’t work for me!) I got into video uploading, then editing, had some fun, did some experiments, developed some sk__ls. Or I’ll let you be the judge of that.
Some of these videos were meant as comments in a discussion, or jokes, and won’t make much sense out of context. At the beginning I was using very crude tools, the more sophisticated works you’ll find further down the list.
Since none of the videos contain information about the people or realms shown, they are pretty useless and just take up unnecessary space in the forum.
It’s almost as if the Moments archive is uploaded without tags.
The point is that people can look around and watch a few videos if they see something that looks interesting to them. That’s why it’s called a gallery. If you want to watch a girl sucking cock what more information do you really need?
As for taking up forum space, that’s the point, it doesn’t really use any forum space at all, (except a few kilobytes for the post itself) since not a single file was uploaded for the purpose of this topic. It’s all just files that are already already on the server. It doesn’t clutter the forum since it’s just one topic in a long list which you can open or ignore just like any other topic. And in the title it states quite clearly what you will find if you click into that topic.
Also I just wanted to see if I can get a hold of the URLs of all the videos I uploaded to the server and it turned out to be quite simple. I thought I might share the howto with others.
You might call me posting the list of URLs I thereby extracted a vanity project, if you want. I guess I’ll have to accept that criticism.
But why upload it again if people already saw the videos in other topics? And by the way some videos are way too long and v_____e the guidelines of what videos are allowed to upload here…
If I remember correctly, not a single video I ever posted was nuked by a moderator, and also I don’t really remember any criticism along the lines of the videos being inappropriate or too long to post. Those guidelines were always somewhat vague and have been discussed ad nauseam in other places. Sorry if what seems to be the widely accepted practice doesn’t completely align with your interpretation. Actually the only strict limit seems to be file filesize limit for uploaded videos, and VHTV always seemed to be fine with that. You will notice that as soon as I learned the tech stuff I always took care to re-insert a logo when I cropped the original one out by zooming.
And, again, I did not upload anything again.
Does it really offend you to collect all the nice things in one place? It’s an opportunity for people to discover gems that are buried deep in the past of apartment discussions they have not been following for the past years.
Well, I guess fair is fair. I was always aware those longest videos were pushing it and wouldn’t have been too surprised if they had been deleted right after I originally posted them. Which never happened. It’s only unfortunate because I consider the two longest ones my biggest achivments in video editing. You have to admit that last one was really hot. But I can’t argue against the Raw reality of the Red Pencil Button.
If I ever give bitcoin another try, or VHTV gets some decent new payment options, and I manage to renew my subscription, maybe I’ll focus more on shorter formats again.
Just wanted to let you know that the too long videos that have been removed here have found a new, appropriate home in the Premium Lounge part of this forum.
One of these videos is not like the others. Can you spot it?
Haven’t been very active these last few months, mostly just keeping track of some favorites. You’ll see a lot of Marianthi here, and Libra’s wonderful blowjobs. But the highlight of this update are definitely the two Sylva multi camera edits at the bottom of the list, that woman is just something else…
I know you probably didn’t mean it this way, and you may not even know about it, at all, so this is just something to think about.
The question was this.
If the term “blacked” was used to describe an interracial relationship, would that be considered a racist statement?
Racist Connotations:
The term can be seen as problematic because it often objectifies Black individuals and reduces interracial relationships to stereotypes, rather than viewing them as mutual, human connections.
The fetishization of race in this way may perpetuate harmful tropes, dehumanizing both individuals involved.
Cultural Sensitivity:
While some people might use the term casually or without malice, others may find it offensive or racially insensitive due to its history and implications.
Conclusion: The phrase “blacked” in this context often carries racial and fetishistic undertones that can be offensive. To avoid misinterpretation or harm, it’s better to use respectful and neutral language when discussing interracial relationships.