Thanks. Just an advice for future openings: It helps announcing the new opening on Telegram feed and also put a photo with the participants with their names there.
thanx @Dan … now a message to @jabbath1987
Welcome Leka & ElleMira!
I can’t believe my eyes. I haven’t seen that in 30 years. Except for the hare krishna people at Lord’s apartments.
Great boobs
Happy Chinese New Year finally we are in Slutzerin officially 🫶🏼
Sorry for mess with names , but you guessed names right . And soon I will have photo with girls
allthough ElleMira is super super sexy , my heart is leaning towards Leka to keep it beating fast
As long as it does keep beating, everything is fine.
Do we know where leka is? What’s the deal with them are they together? I’m loving this apartment already, totally hooked!
got a pacemaker and stents fitted and a home defib on my cupboard , which is kinda ironic , what happens if i have another heart attack and no-ones here . guess i wil have to try and zap myself
sorry if there are any epileptics watching , how inconsiderate of me
all will reveal itself eventually . thats what will keep you hooked
That and two other things! I’m excited to find out! Not gunna lie I’m hoping that’s the case
i dont think your going to be disappointed
Oh my lord I hope you right! Please be right!!
Hello guys! I am Leka) the blondy)) in black Lingerie) Mira - she is pretty girl with big tits and white rabbit ears Like a Playboy rabbit! And girl in the blue shirt our friend Lera) So 3 hot girls make the nude party)))
Yes this right! Kiss you guys!!! Thxxxxxx