Welcome Leka & ElleMira
i will kick this topic off with its first comment , the girls are playing jenga and i swear i saw one of the girls morph into a man and grabbed the jenga tower and fled ,bad looser i guess
on a serious note ,welcome girls
Wer ist wer ?
Welcome to the team
if i was to hazard a guess , id say blonde is Leka !! but do i know something you dont ? well maybe
only joking ,no idea
but could it be Ally & Dan - Apartments Discussion / Archived Apartment Discussions - Voyeur House TV Forum
Yeah, that’s our new realm
i knew that, i was being a bit sarcastic when i replied to the comment lol thats the way i am
Can you tell us who is who?
tut tut you already know
Hmmmmmm…let me think
I do? It was said here? I know who is Leka but not which of the other girls is the guest?
was a joke , the great and powerfull jabs knows everything
That’s right