Lags and latest site problems

VHTV want to get their ass in gear with communication on their own media before flying off in other directions and apps which many do not use.
Yet i would suggest that most members read the forum.

I note @jabbath1987 is still keeping his head down :joy:

The probability between Telegram and Forum could be similar since VHTV advertises both on the streaming site.


And as a new user, I would always click on “News” before I go to a forum…

Well are you surprised, i reckon they seem to be going around like headless chickens most of the time.
This new News thingy was proposed months ago and yet, as you say, we seem to have 5 editors who are doing what?. Yep you gussed it, nothng!!!. :joy:

As i have said not everybody uses Telegram or even wants to. yet every one reads the forum.
Sunk in yet?
Why not include Facebook and make it even more diverse and complicated :joy:

Nah it is just not my business. I am not responsible for how VHTV decides to communicate with users. Personally I like it that way as it is easy and convenient

Well that’s a cop out if i ever heard one :wink: :joy:
In a way idon’t blame you to be honest, all a bit of a muck up at the moment.
Just ignore me i’m probably in a grumpy mood today.

What has a cop to do with it?

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Ok smartass, the posh term or explanation would be relinquishing all responsibility :joy:

Ah thanks. So yes. Not my responsibility at all. :wink:

Combien d abonnes payant sur Vhtv ??

Unfortunately, it’s internal information that won’t be shared.

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Ah ok. Dommage j avais l intention de m abonner et je voulais en savoir plus sur ce site…

Why it’s important for you to know how many subscriber the site has?

Pour savoir si ce site est sérieux. Pour être sûr qu il ne va pas se dégrader tres vite et que je perde mon argent …
J ai lu beaucoup de commentaire très négatif sur votre site…
Que la qualite des appartements était très basse c est pour ca .
Je me renseigne tout simplement…

Please feel free to evaluate cameras quality via free cameras. You can also quickly check that the site exists for years. Actually I don’t believe that any “one-day” sites have their own crowded forums :slight_smile:

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The site turns 7! years old on November 1st. I follow them since the very beginning. They started with 3 apartments and kept growing. There is nothing you need to worry about.

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You can also get a good overview about all the places here:

The people marked as “guests” of course are not always there :wink:

J ai commencé a faire le tour des appartements et ce que j en vois pour l instant me laisse perplexe…
Des appartements ou ils font des chats videos donc sans interets puisque tout edt faux.
Des appartements ou les invitees ne font que y dormir…
Des appartements ou les invitees sont complètement coincees.
Pour l instant mon opinion est plutot negative…
Mais je suis certain que vous allez me trouver de tres bons arguments …

Some people like to watch it. Personally I do not like it.

Yeah some people are still s___ping now as they usually up late at night

Guests are not obliged to do anything hot. Some are hot and naughty. Others are more calm…

I guess in the morning / noon is quite a bad time to judge. Wait for evenings / night

Ahaha I am not the promoter of the site but since I am one of the guys saving the videos for archives I can tell you there is a huge video archive with more than 250.000 scenes of action from different camera angles. :wink:

Bien tenté…
Concernant les vidéos de ce site.
Je suis malheureusement tombé sur une vidéo sur votre forum sur le royaume 40 .
Et j ai trouvé ca très très nul…
J ai laissé d ailleurs un commentaire tellement c etait choquant de voir cette pauvre fille avoir une relation avec ce black presque en consultant son tel.
Bref …
J ai peur que tout ce site soit dans la meme demarche de recherche d argent plus que le cote exhibitionnisme de certains couples.
J aime les relations sexuelles entre vrais couples qui ont des envies réciproques et j ai du mal a trouver ca sur votre site ou tout est faux…
J ai ete contacté par reallifecam pkoi pas ???
A voir
Désolé de ne pas contribué a augmenter vos revenus… sourire…