Lags and latest site problems

They got hidden due to privacy issues

Videos with data protection???

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Unfortunate, i always liked Elliots stuff

Back to topic now. This has nothing to do with lags or site problems.

You are right, but in your opinion, where can we write if the page doesnt exist?

There is a reason this topic is not accessible to everybody. So I recommend to stop talking about it.

For me too, I had about 24hrs where is was all working fine average 3 or 4 secs to change to another view/room and now back to as before anywhere between 10 and 40 seconds. Even opening the Forum page to complain about it takes over 30 seconds.

effacé votre historique . et redémarré votre pc.

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Already done that, cleared the cache, cleared the history and rebooted the lot.

un site ou une fenêtre ouverte en fond d’écran en plus de VHTV le pc il aime pas trop ça. ça peut ralentir .

Why stop the habit of a lifetime :rofl:

You can translate by clicking on the globe next to the heart.

VHTV + VPN forum and site work slow….:confused:
Frustrated Head GIF

There may still be some of what edge classes as crucial cookies left. They are safe to delete it just means that that it may take a little longer to log in and browse again until those cookies have reinstalled in your browser.

hmm, something happened. my VH-time is just getting started, but i can switch between cameras, whether in the same apartment or in a different one, without even seeing the waiting circle (image only turns black for about half a second). I have never had such fast response times (everything is unchanged here on the computer, so I can actually rule out local causes of the improvement)

@VHTV_James I view on tablets. I’ve noticed that when I scroll around the whole forum goes crazy and gets jittery as fuck. Is there a fix for that?

@VHTV_James I think something is wrong again, similar to but not as bad as the lagging from a couple of weeks ago. The timeline lags when going to time point to time point, incorrect thumbnails are shown sometimes when browsing the timeline, I was browsing the realm 42 bedroom and was seeing thumbnails of realm 14 bedroom, and also lags from realm to realm/room to room. The forum also lags when going from topic to topic and loading more posts, pictures are blurred for 5-10 seconds and the videos posted have the loading circle on a black background for 15-20 seconds before showing a thumbnail. After 5-10 minutes of browsing it clears or I get a 504 page timeout error, but sometimes the site returns normal or if the browser is closed or the page refreshed. As I said these are exactly the same symptoms as previously experienced just not as acute. I have completed a speed check with no issues and latency is good. Because this issue is intermittent I cannot perform test while it happens, I did try but saw no errors on my end. I only have four days of premium left and will not be renewing it.

For me since yesterday the forum is slow and i have experienced the issue about another realm thumbnail on the timeline of another,

Only one thing helps:

  1. Change providers
  2. Erase disk
  3. Reinstall operating system
  4. Then stay away from VHTV.

:crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :laughing:

Is anyone getting the site to load? I can’t get any realm only the forum is working :thinking: