Lags and latest site problems

Funnily i am still getting a few pictures that seem to struggle opening and even when they do some seem to take time getting into focus.? Everything else seems to be better.
Was always fine for years before now when i get a better more modern computer everything seemed to go all to fuck :rofl:

I am still having the odd hiccup but all pics in the forum seem fine. About 15 mins ago the site just wouldn’t load at all, I restarted my browser and now all is fine again. I have noticed on the timeline in nearly all realms they had an outage last night between 00:30 and 00:54, so perhaps a reboot of the servers to implement some patch. We still have had no reply from @VHTV_James regarding compensation for the 5 days (so they say) we were all suffering from issues though. If I don’t see anything here tomorrow I will open a ticket asking them what they intend to do to make things right. Extremely bad practice not to offer something, and they can stick their coins where the sun don’t shine they are worthless after all. I think that is the reason why they offer them for voting in the apartment polls because they are a lot cheaper to them than free days.

I had the problem before the 19th it was happening on and off for the 2 weeks but was getting worse and worse.

I don’t seem to be getting any issues at all, hope I haven’t spoke too soon :pray:

Couldn’t agree with you more,i pay enough in subs without paying anymore for these b___dy stupid coins lol.
These voting polls are a bit of nothing anyway, the last poll they had recently and the last time i looked they had a total of 16 votes i think of which 26% voted for Henry so he had all of 4 people vote for him :rofl: B___dy farce really.
I set my Edge browser up so it clears all cookies, history and whatever else when i close it so i always start with a clean sheet so to speak.

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Not sure if its a site problem but some content seems to be gone. All archived stuff from Elliot or Tessa for example is gone

Yeah just had a look and you are quite right, all disappeared. Contact support and ask why?

Go to their thread they’ve explained it there :+1:

Thanks Jock, didn’t bother to look as not that interested in them :+1:

could you link me the relevant post, please? seems like i am blind

i think they clear even their thread

It was the same for me. I wrote that to @VHTV_James, but he prefers to remain silent about it.

“Link to topic” doesn’t work. and the topic links only shows the participants of the white house but no explanation why Elliots own Apartment or White house are in the HD clips archive anymore

It’s working for me that’s strange, are you clicking on the actual words ‘Link to topic’

i click too on link, but i got error message.

Yes, i get " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."

There are no videos stored in Realm 12 (White House).

This is totally off topic but this topic can only be viewed by members with higher trust level.

No records found with specified parameters.