Kevin & Karina

Fuck me a mass investigation now :rofl:
Kevin and Karina want an update now :rofl:

Pretty much the other(rejected) girl become very upset. He know that she have a boyfriend, she start asking from who he know it, then it heats up a little bit, then its over(for now).

she is leaving, demands a taxi

@Kevin @Karina you just been in the loggia, can you tell us what we can see in that place where he took the girl? the girl was there. there are two blind spots in the app toilet and there. He went in both of them. he`s done already too many things, he 100% needs to go :rage: :-1:

Better call a Katā€™s Cabsā€¦

Donā€™t worry dear you will get dick one day :rofl:


lol he does not cum yet ) Such a drama

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Maybe the other girls lucks in then :rofl:

I think they owe it to us to tryā€¦

They certainly owe it to @John78 heā€™s really pissed off :rofl:

lol the rejected girl changes all the vk(facebook alternative) passwords, such an asshole

Sheā€™ll give them back after being allowed to perform a BJ?..Iā€™m not a soap opera writer, but I think thatā€™s a pretty cool plot twistā€¦

not its just a 100% pure soap. like how many times he rejects etc etc

Sure itā€™s 100% unrelated and coincidental butā€¦My feed has stoppedā€¦

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And now @Kevin just pull the plug ? Wtf

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like _____ aggressive girl, never gets rejected before, the fight just started and looks like admins cut it off. good job!

Fuck me some uproar is happening as some ones pulled the plugs on all the cams i think.
Perhaps a good old fashioned cat fight :rofl:

Nothing its happening. Again a cheap script. Another one. :-1: |Done with them for good me. All the s__t started to happen in this apartment when this Hendrick came :-1: :rage:

Not being shown the sex, not being shown the fightingā€¦What are we paying for again?

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Yeah what on earth are things coming to :rofl:
They have really upset @john78 maybe they should send him a dear john letter apologising :rofl: