That’s it, I’m canceling my subscription now
Oops another dissatisfied customer what is the world coming to
There are another 49 apartments you know
I’m gonna make a guess, and say robwin is a Brit…and Brits are just sitting back and finding this whole thing funny…
Oh, come on. You know they are all
You are so fucking right Reece i am finding it b___dy hilarious
A lesson in how to upset folk without really trying
Knew it…
Can’t argue with that
Why which part of our perverted world are you from Reece?
Ahhh back online now and everyones fucking off looks like
Oh some are still here then
The very same…and yes it was hilarious!
Not really sure what is hilarious in all of this. Paying, wasting 5-6h waiting for something to happen, and then that prick does it again and again and again. I am missing something?
Well, you got robwin and my quips for free…It’s not all bad!
@Kevin @Kevin One last time, now you put yourself in our paying position, yes? and then you wait 5-6h for some action, and when finally something will happen, he(Hendrick) does it again. First looked in toilet and then passed the bedroom, even if the girl stopped there and took her in the loggia blind spot. Looks like he is the one hiding from cams, again. Now you tell me what we should say about this? Look what we can see in that place in the loggia but i`m sure you all know already
sorry they were in such blind spots! our guests don’t know about them! now they are a notification and this will not happen again) expect interesting content from our guests, they promise:hugs:
Same in the toilet, you know where they are.
Kevin we are not stupid, stop treat us as ones please. That apartment is big, hes got a lot of places to fuck her. But again he choose them two where we can
t see. Toilet first till you and Karina pull them out and then he could have stopped in the bedroom, but no, he went straight in that place, which all of you know about. Again and again and again s__t happens and all its done by him. He needs to go for good, enough is enough.
Wonder what lama excuse @Kevin .will come up with now
And more i love it when @Karina always blocking the best view camera, cam 7
Time to shut this place many excuses on the guest issues. Which I am they know exactly the rules. Just like yesterday with the guest.totally uncalled for!
And Hendrick needs to go.