Kevin & Karina

Bedroom 11 if you want to see her tits.

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…Or I mean, they could just come on out and be sensible about all this…

ah the guest girl must be bummed that he is more interested in the other one :rofl: :rofl: :upside_down_face:

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Yeah well as they say, if needs must :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What’s the other saying, all’s fair in love and war :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Well it’s top in the previews anyway :rofl:

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you snooze you lose :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is better than a soap opera - she just popped over to say hello…

The other girl just came into the loggia, probably asking him, hey WTF why ain’t you fucking me then :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

another day another telenovela :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Anyways, it isn’t break-time…Back to work…

Hey @John78 where’s yer sense of humour gone pal :rofl:

When she came into the Loggia I was expecting the Eastenders music to start…

We will probably have to wait for the omnibus edition, da da da duhhhh :rofl:

@Kevin @Karina Now seriously wtf is wrong with this boy? first when in the toilet again then you pull them out and he went straight into the blind spot from balcony. I can`t say that it was the guest girl, she has no clue where the blind spots are. I am done with this for good if he stays there :rage: :-1:


Tried to give her a facial, but the episode needed to be 2 mins longer…

Come on John you can see what’s happening on cam11, trouble is too many want to see what the women had for breakfast as well :rofl:


Needs being longer than that the other girl just popped in again to check progress :rofl:
“Is it my turn yet or is that in next weeks episode” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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