Kevin & Karina

I would argue that Hendrick is but each to their own of course! :slight_smile:

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Well, i can admit, he is a good looking boy/man :+1:

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She is into him, let`s just hope the cams will not stay in the way, she is talking about them :man_facepalming:

That’s a bare chest I wouldn’t mind cuddling up to! :blush: :innocent:

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Calm down David you know you can’t :rofl:

I can but dream, my dear fellow! :grin:

Yes, I know, that’s all of us on here, with our dreams and desires. :slight_smile:

He is on fire tonight :heart_eyes: :fire:

:smiling_imp: :heart_eyes:

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Lucky woman!

Isn’t that the same girl he was supposed to have taken advantage of in the kitchen yesterday? If not they look very similar.

Not even close man. New guests these two.

Ok ta my mistake .:+1:

the white shirt is the same girl, I’m almost certain just minus the red/flushed _____ cheeks

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WTF? just have a scroll up and look at the pics again. They not even close lol.

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am I tripping? they look the same to me… :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

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Hope there’s some action soon. Nice guests.

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This might help you

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They look very similar to me just that she’s smiling in one and looking pissed off in the other. :rofl:

@Kevin @Karina This is just wrong :rage: again hiding in blind spots

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Yeah, but you can see in the bedroom/ loggia cam. lol

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And see him in the loggia cam and hear her, admittingly not perfect but you know where they are.