
she is so boring like watchig paint dry

paint GIF

no i think she knows what she is doing she is not a c___d the sex in this place is bad hard to watch she needs better men so for they have been all dicks maybe she be happy with another girl

That is actually a rather clever gif and really quite amusing! :slight_smile:

This lady surely does not know what good sex is all about. This dude lasted 1.5 minute and 30 seconds of that he stopped to look at his phone. How not to satisfy a woman. image

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But has she no friends?
I feel sad for her.
She needs man who satisfied her and takes his time too please her not the other way around. But that’s my opinion.

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I can’t quite figure out what the deal is with Katia, It doesn’t seem that she knows any of the guys who visit her to have sex. my guess is she finds the lads through some sort of mobile app like Tinder. they look sort of similar in terms of body and style which indicates she picks them up according to her taste/style. but so far so many of them have had a disappointing sexual performance. in General, I think I like Katia, she is a cutie, and she tries to produce some sexual content for the VHTV viewers. I just think she would be better off if she had a girlfriend staying with her and keeping her company, at times she seems a bit lonely and sad. :roll_eyes:

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That’s why I asked if she has any friends. I like Katia too. She is beautyful. And I think she is lonely. :worried:

Sergio & Tereza used to live with her, but they moved out a while ago, apart from the random guys who show up to have sex with her, I don’t think she has had any other visitor ( except for Tereza ).

Thats sad thats really sad.

Gone for 24 hours now…

but she is still getting money even short sex times i say well done easy money ,its hard to watch but we can always find another place to look at

yes she should be with someone maybe another girl ,she is lovely ,maybe one of the best ever on here ,but sadly very boring

but there is lot of people on here that have been on their own

does she know that the loggia door is open and window

so is candy red ,she is another boring one nothing happens in her place Katia is far the better looking out of the 2

Place is offline, my guess is this place is history.

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It says ISP issues. Katia was not there when it went offline. Pretty sure we won’t miss anything there :upside_down_face:

Pretty sure we wouldn’t miss anything if she had been there.

It s better like that i think.