
I have given up on her apartment…more active apartments are definitely sexier.

Bye Bye Goodbye GIF by Mickey Mouse

Hard to find some outside the +7 places circus. Mira & Henry are an exception…

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Elliot, kens, stifs and ur favorite Scott lmao. they are more interesting than this place


lovely pictures, of a lovely girl

Another marathon sex session (almost all of 3 minutes), I think I know why this girl might be frustrated. :joy: image

She needs some serious help, look at her crying, something seriously wrong. image

i agree, only been here a few days and seems something wrong

JUST_IN the prem member paid a visit she s not been the same since
lying bobbie spencer GIF by General Hospital

She needs to get out and get a life. More to life than fucking for pervs :rofl:

If I had been she would be pissing her sides with laughing at my small tadger. :rofl:

Thanks bro im in need of some laughter tonight (note on topic replying to a post ) it just got silly on this site :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Too much information for such a little matter :rofl:giphy (7)

:rofl: :rofl: suddenly realised then where you got your name from pal :rofl: :rofl:
Well almost just in then eh :rofl: :rofl:

This poor girl…no one, no one is there for her!! Unfortunately

And the surname is N-Naymare. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Did she use the blanket over the face earlier because she didn’t want to see his??? :flushed::flushed::flushed::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Time 17:11

Looking back at the timeline I believe she fucked the guy because she felt obliged to as he bought a bag full of food. She no doubt did not want to as she covered her face while fucking and cried afterwards. My feeling (yes I know I could be wrong) is she is in a situation she has no desire to be in, she is being exploited. A desperate little girl who needs help.

Just one comment which may be food for thought. I was seeing a girl quite a few years ago (more than I care to remember!!) who would come like a steam train within no more than two minutes of me entering her and then could not tolerate any more (like to think it was me, but more likely her own physiology!) And she would sometimes actually cry from the tension of it all.

On the plus side, within 15 minutes… :wink: :grin: Think that was the only girl I ever asked to give me a rest!

Just sayin’

Look at the whole timeline and the sex, does that look like a girl that is enjoying herself, it does not look normal.

Maybe, maybe not. However, I respect your opinion - thanks for the reply