The only top moment in the apartment was with the guest who jerked off all the time 1 week ago. Then this place is total boring. She s___p or vanishes or offline.
Katia is a very lovely sexy girl I think one of the best girls on here there s been many posts about her ,I think a lot bad ,I have been with this site from the start ,and sorry to say she maybe the worse its hard to say that because she is so sexy ,but I this been said before but how can anyone who does not do anything go to s___p for 20 hours a day what does she do to get to do all this s___ping ,I go on her apartment now mayby 1 - 3 times a day the same thing i keep on seeing even the sex is not even 5 minutes long to be fair i do not care about that one day i hope something will happen then when she is not s___ping she gone some where I know real live can be boring ,but surely not this boring iam making to much about this what do other members think if there is a post already about this i sorry I have not seen it but end of the day this girl is so sexy its unreal
looks like sergio sent some new girls over
New virgins for the convent.
who are the 2 girls in Katias place, is she going now
Not sure but looks they are here to stay as seem to be unpacking and filling the storage drawers
Hope Katia has got the help it looked liked she needed
I think Katia moved out saw her at Goldie’s place.
this is bad what iam going to say but do you think she s on d__gs she does look a bit spaced out at times sorry that is very bad
yes or mental health issues which is nothing to be ashamed of
I don’t reckon she has, her gear seems to still be their, besides, had she left, I’m pretty sure one of those girls would have moved into the bedroom.
well at least KATIA looks a bit more active in there
the 2nd girl is pretty sexy
Ok, so I missed some things. Now there are guests, but she is still hiding away.
And I thought I was anti-social… I mean, are these new people who will be regularly living there? If they were friends, I would hope for more social interaction, but this is terrible…
From smoking to bed… someone enlighten me…
She still has not much belongings there. Still mostly wearing Teresa clothes…
Who is that handsome fellow in the striped shirt?
Does ANYONE know?
Great, I missed some things, trying to catch up. I actually stopped watching her for a while just because it was boring. But, these new girls have nice bodies – and do not seem camera shy. Let’s see!