For Pete’s sake, does anybody know what is going on at these two apartments??? Katia’s place has been completely empty for 3-4 days, and Luchik’s place has been nearly empty for longer, except for Luchik spanking his monkey on the couch, walking around naked and sprawling on the living room floor doing that jigsaw puzzle of the Moon. Where the heck is everybody???
Luchik spent his evening with Sunny , Markus etc , Katia forgot to swich off the lights everywhere lol
And he’s back tonight - that still doesn’t explain where the others went.
Who else read the title and thought these two had started a new apartment together
He was only commenting on them in isolation within the same thread:thinking:but I agree on paper that’s what it looked like.
Sorry, I didn’t intend to confuse anybody - but when you think about how much time they both spend lying around naked with no one else around, it actually would make sense.
Maybe rename to Katia and Luchik boring or Katia and Luchik s___ping…
I think I counted one day that Luchik slept for about 20 hours Stifler when he was on his own could s___p all day as well. Must be great being able to s___p all day.
As I keep saying - the tenants run the asylum and VHTV grabs the money. When the money stops coming in then the apartment is shut down by VHTV. Next. Must be a long lineup of ex-pornstars waiting for their chance at getting an apartment but first have to perform and showcase their sex appetite with the managers.
Looks as if Kenneth is sofa surfing again.
Where has Luchik gone?
Was removed as a possible serious v_______n is been analyzed
It’s talked in his main topic
Thanks for that👍
How do you find his main topic?