
Yep,never known to fail yet :joy:

Good man! I wouldn’t have you any other way!
Be careful how you read ‘have you’, by the way…it wasn’t meant like that. lol

Has she chosen SputnikV or CoviVac? Hope she will feel good tomorrow.

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Do you guys get a choice over there then? We here (England) do not seem to. I certainly didn’t when I had mine.

Mrs requested phizer before she excepted the appointment astro was on offer only at the time, she got her request a week later.

There are three vaccines: Sputnik V, CoviVac and EpiVacCorona. The second and third are not widespread though.

I got the Oxford one, both times.


Kind of saw it coming but seems like Bertha is leaving. She also gave him her keys.

That’s a shame she was very nice :+1: Was hoping for a wedding invitation but seems like have s__t out there then :rofl:


Or someone else is the lucky one with her leaving the House lately but maybe Jules will tell us. And If she’s not coming back i hope he will give those keys to Funny. :wink:

He was going to dump her sooner or later. Next! She’ll probably crawl back at some point.

So synical :rofl:

wow, nice one. you caught me. i’m the Heisenberg, the devil

as I said earlier, she was preparing for exams. she passed and entered. I regret to say she now lives in a dormitory at the university. in general, living in a dormitory is fun.
she will come in sometimes when there is time


So how chances Funny is getting a place for her own again?

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Nevaeh would be more interesting

Or both :innocent::wink:

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even before enrolling in university, I thought she would buy herself a laptop and draw. I wanted to invite her to open a patreon or onlyfans, take orders for portraits. didn’t work, she said that all the money went to pay for the university

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Will you move Funny in with you that would be Awesome

Too much for him… The girls will end up excluding him :grin:

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