
As long it’s not Sina again.

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Challange of the week == Could Jules handle BURBURY stiflers cast off , I for one would like to see that , i have a feel she would tie him in knots than spit him out :joy:


oops typo BURBERRY /archives stifler dec31 , very active girl in the bedroom dept :upside_down_face:

Very sad to see her go, you guys always seemed to get along very well, and she was by far my favorite girl on the site. Hope you can stay in touch if that’s what you want.


guys, what’s ur favorite video?


Hi Jules,
What are you studying at the university?
Hope Bertha comes back and that you have guests.
Best regards
from Sweden

I’d second that :heart_eyes: not that I thought Bertha wasn’t gorgeous but there is something really attractive and sexy about Nevaeh.


Nevaeh and Funny were both great i hope they both come

Why did they leave you alone
You are the one who will visit me… Nevaeh and Funny what a nice :strawberry:

And hopefully at the same time and same place. :+1:
Sorry @Jules just means more work for you, not that I think you would mind too much. :yum: :grin:

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Bertha is back


Thats good quick service on the FOO FOO valve and he gets his kitchen cleaned also :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Why did you leave again… I hope it’s all right?

Since she is living in a dormitory, probably her visits will be around some weekend times

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Where the hell is Bertha? Jules solo is not much.

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She went back to school at the university.

he said Funny and Navaeh were going to come a week ago and still not have turned up now no bertha this apartment is now boring without any girls

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that’s right :+1:t5:

Why are you hiding… Where are you? Where are the girls we love… what did you do with them?

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