
Pleased she is ok! I felt bad after mine too! Was worried she had Covid!

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Did not feel anything after both of the two shots…

Do you mean YOU, in this case? I had mine and mostly fine but some bothersome aches and pains in my arms after.

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Yes I got the Pfizer Biontech and did not feel anything unusual. Not even my arm hurt.

Eeeek Dr says to me after 2 x lots of lung b___d clots & b___d thinners for life he does not reco me to have the shots.

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Oh well let’s hope plenty of people around you get vaccinated so you who can’t get it due to health reasons will be protected too :+1:

All i fellt was little pricks, nothing else :rofl:

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Oh I really want to say something at this point…but I will let it go! :laughing:

Hope you used lube on your anal exper s

Oh dear this topic is getting out of hands now :innocent: :rofl:

Go on let it rip bro

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he felt – NOT TOUCH

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No it’s fine, I will keep my dignity…for now! :slight_smile:

Always better in the hands i believe? Well so i have been told :rofl:

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Go on stick it to him, o wait that might not be the exact right words here. :rofl:

No no, I didn’t mean anything against him. He’ll tell you himself we have quite a lot of banter on here:) No it was just the ‘little pricks’ comment, made me laugh!

I did get it hence why I suggest you give it to him anyway, oops there I go again. :rofl:

Don’t for fucks sake do that :rofl:

get well soon Bertha we love you :kiss:


There’s always one, isn’t there?! :laughing: