Instagrams of participants

Hello guys, do you have Instagram of participants ?
Can you share them here please ?
Thanks a lot for everybody :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I would say that this is information that the participants should only give out publicly themselves.


Yes of course but it’s public, we can share it

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No, we can’t. That’s private information

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For example, if Shana writes, look at my Instagram account Shana_54 so it is allowed.

If I perhaps know that Shana’s real name is Olga Lulu and her private Insta account is Olga_Lulu, sharing would not be allowed.

For safety’s sake, all names are made up.

amy poehler mansplaining GIF by Golden Globes

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not with me, I have an Insta or something similar … :joy: :rofl:

  • Do not share VHTV Participant’s private/personal information.
    • This includes guessing/suggesting/stating anything you may or may not know.
    • Private information includes, but is not limited to:
      • Real names
      • Date of birth
      • Contact information
      • Education
      • Profession
      • Nationality
      • Location
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