Indira & Kostja

from our standpoint as viewers, our view of their behavior is distorted by the fact that we only see them on camera in one of the events. We see erratic behavior.
Before we would see strange behavior during events, but after that for a day or more we would still get to see them morning day and night. We were able to get to see them how they live, how they make a late night run for some food, etc. Today we are left only with what we get to see during the parties. We do not get to hear their comments as to what are their plans and how to make them happen.
What we see during the parties defies our logics and yet we have no insight why they do what they do.
Kostja even refusing to take off his shirt and related attitudes the other day definitely could make one think of bipolar behavior

There was a lengthy dialogue on Jirina’s logia that probably would have lended some insight to what is happening tonight, but no translators (apparently) have access to that feed… that would have helped tonight

Your current view, not ours… you understand the language, we don’t. Someone who can understand the language could have provided insight to the current situation, not speculation based on limited view. So, your comment is based on limited view, as much as I respect your feedback…

These days i do not follow VH as much as I used to, and trying to do even less of it.
However, watching K &I is like people mesmerized on the road by the view of a weird car accident. Hard not to watch.
If someone could post the segment of conversation in the bedroom, I will do my best to translate it.

given they talk honest, knowing viewers and participant can follow the conversation, and are not spreading news they want us to hear.

Is this the beginning of a new era for indira.

Last night Indira Kostja and Atura arrived at Jirina’s apartment.

After 2 conversations on the balcony, which went smoothly, Kostja left the apartment.

Conversation was easy to follow for those who can speak the language.

Goodbye wasn’t dramatic either

After that, the 4 women had a pleasant evening half undressed in bed.

Jirina and Atura did some speeding but Indira was now the spectator.

Strangely normal she likes to play with women

Jirina and Indira also had a conversation on the balcony which was also easy to understand for those who can follow it.

Around half past 7 she called 2 more times and went to s___p

We’ll see what happens next.

can anyone translate the conversations in the loggie between I&K and I&J might help some of us that cant understand

If you post the video I will be able to translate

wont upload file need to convert watching the timeline again the body language it looks as if it is at an end for these two so so sad

Indira has left

Let’s wait, we’ll see if she comes alone next or together with Kostja :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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I wonder who the snowflakes are that keep flagging perfectly acceptable posted comments?
Just seems to be getting completely out of hand now. :rage:

Maybe @Kade181727 can help us he is very good at this. I work on an iPad and photos work, but video doesn’t

The conversation is too long.

Looks like Indira had something in mind, that Kostja either didn’t understand or didn’t want to accept,
he was trying to convince her of something, or at least questioned whatever it was.

JMO, still don’t understand the language.

Until she left, I thought Indira was seeking shelter / housing at Jirina,
she didn’t play with the girls when they used dildo etc, just watched and took photos.

Other than generating views I couldn’t see a sense for her being there, and staying the night.

Maybe she’s going to wherever she lives/lived with Kostja to get her stuff,

Or her mission generating viewers is accomplished and she goes back to her loving boyfriend.

also the last one between Indira and Jirina

Whoever wants to listen should subscribe, otherwise some people give me s__t for too long posts or to reveal too much for the freeloaders.

First it was too much I+K stuff in the other forum-parts, now it’s too much here.
I’m done.

You’re right, I pay too

But just like you I can only go by body language

Maybe indira was only there for views for Jirina’s apartment since she only was a spectator