Ideas for consequences and measures to be taken after tragic happenings in realm53

Sorry, if I say so. That’s an excuse with the first aid course. Any help is better than no help. Ribs break, so what? In 99.9% of cases, this is not bad. Where does my knowledge come from? I am with a rescue organization (DLRG) First Aid & Paramedic Instructor. As already mentioned, it is mandatory in Germany to attend every driving test and in some professions even every 2 years.

I think this is more about the money, because as I said it would also be online. If you wanted to make it easy, you could put an automated external defibrillator (AED) in any realm. Yes, the devices cost 1000€. But anyone can use this according to the language instructions.

Thank you for making ALL of your comments about the HUGE importance of CPR training. I would like to make further comments publicly about the comments made by VHTV in relation to this specific subject but will probably say something I regret so I will refrain. I just wanted to acknowledge how right YOU are though with YOUR comments.

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The reply from VH especially about the smoke alarms i find hilarious.
A country like Russia who make electonic guided missiles,aircraft,ships and whatever else seemingly can’t produce a b___dy smoke alarm which any other country in the world sell over the counter in most shops…
Someone here is obviously taking the piss i think :rofl:
One gets the impression from VH then that Russia, apart from having the technology to manufacture elctronic weapons to wage war, is pretty much a 3rd world country in every other respect.
And tenants who seem to be experts in phone technology seem to be incapable of being able to phone for help of any description, just hilarious. All it needs is a notice on a wall with a b___dy helpline number or is that too difficult.
I thought Monty Python finished decades ago :rofl:

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What what what, how

Jabbath you know how much I smoke, right?
A smoke detector cannot work in every case xD

You know it’s not legal on a lot of country to monitor people, right?

Most places are in Russia. not sure if there is a specific law about that over there. in places where it’s illegal to do so, they need to take other measures to prevent cheating. when there is a will there’s a way.

I think we are maybe overcomplicating the solution and I will attempt to play devils advocate (which I am sure will ruffle some feathers) at the same time.

I think the rules regarding d__g use should be simple; Do it and you’re out. No ifs, buts, maybes, second chances, it’s a conscious decision and action to take them and actions have consequences.

Now for the devils advocate; This is a business right? Removing your cash cows reduces your potential income which isn’t a sound business decision. You then have a problem, how many people are jumping at the opportunity to broadcast their lives for other peoples entertainment? You need to fill that vacancy ASAP for profit.

And here is where some feathers will get ruffled; The types of people who are willing to join this project are limited to certain psychological profiles and unfortunately, a decent portion of those, are people who will take d__gs recreationally/habitually.

Now I do not wish to offend our other lovely participants who do not partake in such activities so by no means is this painting everyone with the same brush, but it happens.

I’m sure that VHTV are aware of this too, hence their reluctance to take the strongest stance against it.

I also suppose we must ask ourselves the question of whether the unfortunate event would have taken place regardless of being on the project (for example if they felt the need to take substances to perform, to gain money etc). Now if the answer to that question is “Yes” then a portion of the blame falls directly and irrevocably onto the laps of VHTV themselves and accountability must be had.

I am not entirely sure how the conversation got onto smoke alarms and fire extinguishers but I am shocked at the response from VHTV; As someone from the UK, I have NEVER resided or visited someone’s dwelling and there not been a SINGLE smoke alarm. Here the Fire Brigade will literally come out and provide and install one for what I think is free or a very nominal sum. These are not expensive products, in any part of the world I should imagine. As far as extinguishers go, having them is another fantastic layer of defence but for most it’s just an additional to the smoke alarm and not compulsory.

The CPR response has been pretty much been talked through by @jabbath1987. My mum is a nurse, I wanted to be a doctor for an extremely long time of my life and have always maintained my First Aid training and I hold advanced qualifications in it too. Yes, you will break ribs but goddamn is it better than the alternative.

And as far as the sincerity of @VHTV_CEO words go, I will say only this. Actions speak louder than words.

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All these are probably good ideas.
However, unless there are professionals of remote surveillance or emergency crisis on this forum, I personnally don’t think practical and operational solutions can seriously been built by making a call for ideas here.
And though, I am persuaded solutions exist. I am pretty sure that amongst the plenty of places where there are cams (hotels, malls, stations, parkings, etc etc), people have for sure adressed the question of what should be done if someone is in danger. And that professionals and training sessions exist, as well as professional advise on how to implement emergency procedures.
With all respect to VHTV teams, I think it is their job to prospect, get trained, maybe hire a specialist or make a security audit of the system.

So my only idea since I have none is: ask professionals !

Maybe it has already been done seriously, in that case, there is no point.
And if it has a cost, one or two realms may not be opened…

It is probably my longest post ever on VTHV, Sergio’s memory deserves sincere thoughts. Given the time I have spent watching his real and entire life, it’s like a friend who has gone. May he and his relatives receive my deepest condolences.

Sorry, but this is definitely not true. I´m working in emergency medicine for 20 years.
You do not have to know anything medical to perform a CPR.
In my country it is mandatory to learn how to CPR if you want to have a driving license. I can guarantee that most of them do not have any medical knowledge.
It should be basic knowledge to measure a pulse. It also should be basic knowledge to see if somebody is breathing or not.
The process of performing a CPR has been simplified over the years. A c___d can perform a CPR.
I´m doing first aid courses for 20 years. In one of my courses, I trained a room cleaner to perform an intubation. It took her 5 Minutes to learn it proper.
By the way, the first thing you learn in FA trainings is to call an ambulance before you do anything else, not a participant or a friend.

Yes it´s true, you can brake ribs. If you ask me I´m totally fine with it. I would rather have broken ribs than be dead or have serious brain damage. If you have to perform a CPR you should not forget that the person is already dead. The outcome of not performing a CPR is much worse than broken ribs.

I know that this post will not be very popular but we also have to question our own behaviour.
We are part of the problem too. To say d__gs are bad and the only problem is much too simple.
A_____l is also a d__g even if it´s legal to _____. The participants are under heavy pressure to perform for us. If you want to have the most views you have to party all the time and have to f… all the time.
If they don´t perform this way, people start ranting and complaining. The apartments or participants are boring and have to be removed.
This constant pressure opens the door for violence and a___e (d__gs, a_____l, Viagra).
I have seen multiple events where people were way too _____ or nearly u_________s.
In my country I have a lot of them in my ambulance at the weekends.
Of course, nobody can say that they wouldn´t behave that way if we were not looking but cheering them up might not be very helpful.

You know what would really really help those close to this incident and is easy to do:

offer Grief counseling/support to those close to the incident

This is like emergency treatment after a car crash, but for mental health. Is not long term, is to help with the current situation.

All it takes is willingness, some money and to find a professional who speaks their language. Nowadays it can be even done via online sessions.


Pero también hay loggias como la de Maddy y Rocco que tiene una cámara en la loggia que no se ve nada pero en cambio ellos utilizan la otra loggia que no tiene camara, para salir a tomar sol desnudos, salen alli a bailar a beber u otras cosas

Have said the same thing time and again as in the real world no one acts like tenants do with sex 24/7 etc etc. The only way they can keep this up really is from additional help by whatever means.
I just can’t imagine the pressure they are under especially as earnings depend so much on being viewed.
Any normal person probably has sex once or twice a week and then they are not being watched and having fault found with them all the time.
Is it any surprise that many of them only last a few months before shipping out.

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hace tiempo atras se dio un caso en el reino de marta estuvieron bebiendo y fumando en el sillon del cuarto de estar y se durmio,con un cigarrillo encendido este cayo al sillon empezo a quemarse y a arder la llama tendria mas de 50 cm de altura y se desperto cuando notaba el calor en el pie y pierna, y lo apago volteando el cojin
a que viene esto, yo llevo mas de 3 años como visor premium y nunca e visto un extintor,en ningun reino y si lo habia no lo vi, sabrian tanto participantes o invitados a usarlo en un conato de incendio en una vivienda
por que lo unico que saben hacer muy bien es emborracharse, y follar y temas de securidad en la viviendo no saben ni puto caso
se deberia tener el telefono de emergencias a buena vista y cerca

I have to say there are some very valid and useful suggestions on this thread.
As a viewer we all have a responsibility to flag up / report any behaviour detrimental to the health of the apartment participants, we are all watching, not i________ed, of sound mind, and can judge what is potentially dangerous.
OK, this may be a___ed by certain unreliable posters, but if it ultimately saves a life, then it is relevant.
Tragic news about Sergio, he gave us all some memorable and entertaining viewing.
A life cut short.
Rest in peace Sergio.


Totally agree Gus…Grief counselling is a valuable tool to help those not coping with grief.
I have personal experience of how valuable it is.
It literally saved my life 32 years ago.
I was in a very dark place… counselling brought me back from the brink.

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In the real world, as well as in the VHTV world real people live their daily lives with risk of all sorts. I know nothing about recreational d__gs but judging by the way a lot of you seem to have knowledge, their use is fairly well acceptable and widespread. I do not agree that this should happen. i just point out that it is happening. Who you live with and your lifestyle can increase your risk of living or damaging yourself. if you _____ too much and are ill, will the peole you live with be resposionle and look after you. Will they overreact and call an ambulance. Will they underreact and leave you hoping that all you will have is a hangover. With d__gs from what i can see the problem is exactly the same but bigger.
I think there is very little that VHTV can effectively do in a society that condones the use of a_____l and d__gs. Choose your companions better !!

May I suggest users have a panic button that triggers a lead or moments operator who can view the situation and take the necessary action, so it is not a___ed? @VHTV_James you may need to dig into your bag and offer some monies to the team.