Henry (Part 3)

So, Henry thinks he Superman now!!! :rofl:

Hasn’t he always thought that?? :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Henry once said to me ,that he doesnt care at all what people think of him . this is his job and he makes a good living off it aswell as all the perks , he said all the moaners on here wouldnt think twice about swapping places with him , i had to agree with him on that


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I wouldn’t want to trade place with his liver or lungs. :wink:


i would !!! prob in a better condition than mine im stage 3 COPD and have unstable angina , mind you i think i would have to think twice about some of the girls he beds , dont think i could lower my standards and at my age its best not to be picky , but theres a limit and sorry but some of them are below that and that for sure :wink: :wink:


Henry zei dat alle kreuners hier niet twee keer zouden nadenken over het ruilen van plaatsen met hem .

**Inderdaad ik zou geen twee keer moeten nadenken . **
**Want ik zou zeker niet ruilen **
Hij mag zijn leven hebben


Many said in the past that they would trade places with Henry “for a while”.

Others think, “If I were him, I’d be more sensitive about my health”. BS, that’d be only half the fun.

I feel sad for you, but I totally understand where you are coming from.
A friend of mine, in his 70ies once told me, rather than being taken care of for two years in hospital and staring at the wall day in day out, 3 months of the wildest partylife, and go into the box head held high.


thats my philosophy exactly 73 had 2 heart attacks , been told i should be dead by now by my cardioligist , called me a walking talking miracle , i told him its because im a fighter and dont believe in giving up, but thats enough of the soopy stuff lets get back to what we are here for , pussy tits and dramas
:rofl: :rofl:



just waiting on Mira to make her royal entrance now :wink:


she’s @ Gevorg with Carolyn, whose realm is used by a lovebird couple, that didn’t get along too well last week at Gevorg’s “secret” wardrobe. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

In Shelia’s ex-bed, everything went well. :+1: :rofl: :joy:

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Yes, let’s get back to bashing Henry. :rofl: :rofl:


Big difference between me and Henry, I love Maren’s bum, Henry stuffed it and all other of her holes that can bear a penis.

And in the moments Maren displays some of her favorite parts, I am one of those who wouldn’t mind trading. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I hear ya. Maren is an absolute sweetheart!! She can eat crackers in my bed anytime. :wink:


And that little freckled one, is she still alive? Maybe it’s worth taking her pulse?

Sorry Mira is back home! :yum: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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When the wind’s against you
Remember this insight
That’s the optimal condition
For birds to take flight
Now the wind’s against you
Don’t give up the fight


i just heard ! the royal carriage as gone in for repairs , and the coach drivers have gone on strike , looks like its a night of spying on hubby for her :crazy_face:

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