If the ■■■■■■■ doesn’t shorten their lives, the cigarettes will.
Are certain words being censored now?
Henry has everything Beautiful woman money and ruining his life… although I think Mira it upset cause that he left her alone all night…
Friend, don’t mess it up again now that you’ve got your life back together
Elle date un peu ta carte… Les dernières données de l’OMS en 2020 indiquent 18,1L/personne pour les hommes et 4,2L pour les femmes en Russie.
Your map is a bit dated… The latest WHO figures for 2020 indicate 18.1 litres/person for men and 4.2 litres/person for women in Russia.
… and mixing the two is explosive !
Yes, has happened a few times to me.
Now that we can’t say the A-----l word, can we use chemical formula C2H6O?
That was OK.How about Alkohol (Norwegian)?
In english alkohol equals ■■■■■■■.
It was censored. I don`t know why.
funny you can use words like cunt slut wanker cocaine cannabis yet you cant use the word ■■■■■■■, (alkohol ,missselt on purpose) , and now jabs or kaya or one of the other forum po.pos can you move these comments to the appropiate topic ,
Thanks for the official data, very informative.
It is Alkohol in norwegian. Actually.
Well they do drink a shit ton of CH 3CH 2OH in some realms! But we’ll pretend it’s…Ohhh lets say coffee!
Ethanol - Wikipedia(also%20called%20ethyl%20■■■■■■■,CH%203CH%202OH.