Henry (Part 2)

enjoy your day your clearly have a sheltered life and cant move out of the past im not wasting my day on people like you trying to make the forum toxic

so glad about that . just a shsme you think what ever the outcome was hitting women is ok . looks like your still in the olden days when it was still enjoy ouur day as well

no i just let the people who matter and make the decisions on a site i pay to watch decide not people like you a simple viewer i was not even born in the older days but thanks

just think like it then , VHTV could say what they like and people beleave it , what a shame , they only put out what they want you to know not necessary the truth so if you beleave all they say about everything thats fine

simply put i pay to watch that all we are not to interfear and try to f___e agenda’s weather there decision’s are correct or not its there site i belive what i no is fact’s plus as i said i dont care either way but no point in dragging a decision that was made 2 weeks ago back up now its you trying to cause trouble and make the forum toxic there is more important things happening in the world than vhtv mate try and touch some grass henry is not the boogeyman

anyway back to topic

we all have our own poinion thats fine

enjoy your day

and you as well

pleasing mira to orgasm :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

He doesn’t hit every day. And really what is there to see man hardly recognizes anything in the camara settings. one is glad when they are in the bathroom and the light is on.

I agree. Most of the tats on females destroy an attractive body. The female form is something to be admired in all its forms. Tats take away natural beauty of a developing woman. Wish we could come back and see them aged 50 years, I am sure most will deeply regret their actions.

I think women, and Men who cover their bodies with tats from head to toe do it to disguise their pain and suffering they suffer from on the inside

Wow getting a bit deep there for me pal lol, i prefer to think of them as prize pillocks. :laughing:
And as for tats on the face well that is too much for me i’m afraid.

Ive got nothing against tats, but the neck up is off line for me.

Certainly don’t like the tats over there, most are so big and ugly and just ruin what body there is.
A small discrete one say on the tummy perhaps but apart from that, nooooooo especially on women.

could be a future participant the way the girls are evolving on VHTV and certainly as the mentality for it lol

If this is a sign of the times. God help us.

Oh, my freaking… God. No words, folks. Do not quite know what to say here. :hugs: :slight_smile: :heart:

Good lord, that is the end of women as we know it