Henry (Part 2)

I believe the s__t hole is now for subjects such as this now :+1:


Personally there’s more bs in every realm than the hole lol


Can’t argue with that :+1:

heres a few short titbits on last nights shenangans in the bedroom for those that missed it and those that dont have access call it a welcome back gift from me




Now I know where the dog was for a few days ! :rofl:

Awesome to see Mira and Wendy both enjoying themselves. Whatever has been going on, at least they’re still involved in VH and willing to play.

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I’m not sure but I think that’s the first time that Koen fucked Mira.

I have followed Mira and Henry over many years. From all the negative things posted about Henry it is obvious they have pulled off a brilliant PR exercise. Enjoy the cock you are now receiving Mira. Best wishes Henty

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opps Henry

A post was merged into an existing topic: Trisha

dude go on trisha’s page

Sadly none of them are no longer an active part of the project. That is a bit of a shame. If you ask me. :hugs: :slight_smile:

many have left the project since i started watching it happens you have to learn to live with it

Yeah, I agree with you there. It is a part of participating within this kind of life. You just have to deal with it, and move on. :hugs:

Who ever leaves, then new ones come in. If you happen to not like that for instance, there are always someone else there to appriciate already from before. Something for any kind of taste. That is how it is suppose to be. :slight_smile: :hugs:

Well i only really sort of follow a handful of them i suppose, most of the apartments I have hardly ever looked at. I have sometimes glanced at some but just the same old thing in most. I wouldn’t even know many of the names now.
I think a lot of the tattoos have put me off so many of them. I won’t add a descriptive word for them in case i get accused of insulting them :laughing: but most of them ain’t very feminine IMO.
I just leave it to all the love sick members now to swoon over whoever :laughing: