Henry (Part 2)

Chinese Japanese GIF by South Park

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He may have got all the right words but not necessarily in the right order :rofl:

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because you certainly dont understand written communication , it might just be the translator messing everything up so ill give you a break and say have a good evening :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

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you know what i mean . it is in the official forasm that Mira has left but he doesnt seam to beleave what they say , not my fault if he doesnt , just because they meet up after she has left like they fdid last time doesnt meen that she still hasnt left as said . you know what happened last time .

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dont worry bro , i think its a translator error causing the issue . not your fault

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lets just agree to diss agree

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Well no doubt this pantomime will run and run, trying to work out who the wicked witch or prince charming is :rofl:

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Stop Motion No GIF by Mouse

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Sometimes the translation can be a total screw up, but it strangely enough starts to get clearly better in my language. :kissing_heart:

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My impression was Mira that was the brains of the operation. Henry was the tech support.

The place has been like an afternoon soapbox TV show for quite a while now. Who knows WTF is actually going on. As with all things time will tell. Annnnnd as we wait to see what transpires.

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they will never change, its all for the money

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Show Me The Money GIF

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i give up 2 hours sinse my original comment , which i clearly stated there was no official statement OTHER THAN “mira as left the project” then its been like a game of tennis between me and dopey , and now the game as finished , anyone know where the ball finished up ???/

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if you want to start calling names just meens you cant back up what you say .

you ferkin understood that clearly ???

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I give up for now as it’s feeding time at the Rob residence, see all you lunatics later :wink:

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just shows what your like , a wast off time replying to and getting involved in to reply to . enjoy your name calling feel sorry for you having to result to that sort of thing

ok last time explaining , in my original comment i stated mira had left the project and yes it was from vhtv , but there had been no other imformation regarding why she left . so either when my comment is translated into your language it comes out differently as to what i said , or your just not understanding my comment , as for name calling if you think dopey is offensive ,then i appologise wasnt meant to offend , again maybe a cultural difference , so lets end this here and now and carry on as though none of this happened hey ? :grin:

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Trisha is becoming a frequent guest at Henry’s! :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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i wonder if she will put out again ,or as henry been warned off on the threat of castration from the boss lady

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