Henry (Part 2)

Sie ist zu Nawalnys Beerdigung gefahren.

What happens to Mira tonight …

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Ich hoffe ja, dass sie nicht wieder ein Anfall irgend wo bekommen hat?

I hope not …When Mira not in the Realm Henry seems like lost…

:clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses:

How do you know where she went? :hugs:

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I think Mira went with Trisha some place… Trisha is out also…

Earlier tonight. Trisha has dressed up for a new party (nicely plastered by the way).! :innocent: :hugs:


weiß ich nicht. Sie ist mit ihrer Arbeitstasche (Nagelset) weggegangen.

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Friday night used to be a lot of parties in the Realms, until late morning now it’s all dead…

Wir werden alle älter und ruhiger…

Earlier you said " She went to Navalny’s funeral". That was my question!

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Das war eine Vermutung ,aber das glaube ich eher nicht.

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I thought it might be dangerous if she had gone there! :pray: :thinking:

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Still searching for the unobtainable :rofl:

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Even Snoopy is waiting for Mira. Has laid down by the door. Was in bed with Henry earlier. She has now been gone for 12 hours. She left with only her hand bag!


Ja sie ging auch ohne Verabschiedung und Kues ,auch Henry machte keine Anstalten um ihr Tschüss zu sagen .Ich glaube Mira war mit den Gästen nicht einverstanden die Henry eingeladen hat?

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Most of them were old friends, but I didn’t know a couple of them. Of course, I don’t know if she had anything against this party! :thinking: :hugs:

UPDATE: She is back walking the dog! :joy:

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True…but Alisha was never there…nor Shana.

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Things don’t look good, a bag packed.

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