Henry (Part 2)

Probably visiting for some days then I suppose? :hugs:

This is probably all she left when she looked after the house when H&M was on holiday! :hugs: :smile:

Women and all their additional belongings, eh? :smile: :hugs:

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I think this is most of what she owns! :thinking:

Let`s at least hope so, then, huh? :hugs: :heart_eyes:

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Looks like most of what she packed when she moved out of the apartment she had. This is a strange time of day to pick up her stuff! :joy: :rofl:.

Oh my god, mira has never looked better!

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Cam 13, Hall, is without sound for now at realm 18 actually. Yes, so that makes me wonder if she might will be staying there. Or am I over thinking, maybe? :heart_eyes: :joy:

If so, she just has to spend the night on the couch in the living room! (JMO) :hugs:

You might be right there. Absolutely. :hugs:

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She’s going to go somewhere. Have wondered where she and the other three( four with Kano) went! :thinking:

I noticed that she has the remote vibrator on. Is she camming again? if so, where?

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I wonder if they have another apartment at their disposal outside of the project and outside of the cameras? It might be the case. :hugs:

Trisha is back at Julia`s apartment! :joy: :rofl:

What a giant surprise, eh? :joy: :rofl:

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:star: :star: :star:
:boom:MIRA :boom:
Mira is that classic Star !! Strong Beautiful Woman. That’s why they say behind a successful man there is always a capable woman
It is important to have a Woman who is going to support her Partner in life even if the Partner do some mistakes
PS The Woman holds 3 corners of a House (Realm) and the man 1


Und schön anzusehen.


I have to admit that here Mira looks stunningly beautiful. :fire: :heart_on_fire:

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Picks from their first apartment in VH. She was 6 years younger! :innocent: :hugs:

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Wow. Alright. That still does not change my basic view. Stunningly beautiful. :heart_on_fire: :fire: :hugs:

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