Henry (Part 2)

Definitely Rebel! :heart_eyes:

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Very good point, my friend. I never thought about it from that angle, their marriage almost crumb__d because of their lifestyle. I would’ve quit that lifestyle as well to save my marriage

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Don’t bother Jabs, if it ain’t worth telling right now it ain’t worth hearing about, enjoy your exclusive knowledge :joy:

My observation over the last year is all of the known friends from the past were of a more mature age and seem to have moved on for what ever reason. Then Mira and Henry changed their friends to a much younger generation. This younger group of friends do not seem to enjoy this new lifestyle with them, and they come and go in a short time. Maybe Mira and Henry need to rally their old friends and rekindle what was a wonderful time of sharing and swinging. The older friends always knew what they were invited for and were more than willing to participate. Just my thoughts!

Perhaps all their older friends, of which there were many, have got more mature and just see it for what it is and decided to live decent and normal lives.
Nothing wrong with that view and all respect for them realising it.
Perhaps Mira & Henry should take the same route now.

I have seen Mira perform well when the right person makes themselves available. She seems to be very choosy but when she wants it she goes off. Unfortunately a rear treat these days.


A c’est la semaine d’amour férié, pour Mira…

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Definitely a ‘rear’ treat !!! :laughing:

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To be a swingers couple they certainly are swinging very little these days. :kissing_heart: :heart_eyes:

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Pia laat ons verder dromen wanneer gaan we haar naakt kunnen bewonderen Henry tyd voor aktie

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I have been wondering about the same for a long, long, long time. Impossible to know when exactly that will happen though. :hugs: :hugs:

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We saw her boobs and her butt, so it’s only her pussy missing. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

And that’s what she defends with everything she has. :joy: :joy: :joy:


Dus Mira&Henry hoog tyd voor Pia in het seks spel te betrekken en eens met volle overgave dit zou heel leuk kunnen worden

She is definitely lacking having gone through with a full sexually explicit scene where she is showing off absolutely everything. That is definitely lacking in her action content record so far. That is just a fact. So you are absolutely right. :heart_eyes: :hugs:



Nice interesting vaginal lips. I now understand why Henry likes to put his lips on them all of the time. :innocent: :sunglasses:

I still want to see her suck his dick more. :man_shrugging: :laughing:

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so just logged on whilst deciding what should i have for breakfast , well tnx to @Trent221780 for his help in making my mind up , bacon roll it is


holy crap is that sexy wow

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Trisha scheint Ihre Klamotten abzuholen?

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