Henry (Part 2)

Does Henry enjoy household chores anyway? :joy:

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Looks like it is the “Boston Tea Party 2” here! :thinking: :innocent:

Heute gibt’s sex! ich habe im Gefühl.

Hopefully. I would definitely not say no thank you to that. :hugs: :innocent:

The female visitor has dressed ready for action…and Mira is pointing the moneymaker directly at the guy…she will soon be close enough to sit on him!!

I think the guy will have serious eye problems before the end of the evening given all the efforts of Mira to turn and expose her thighs towards him

She really tries to put in a serious effort on making him notice her then. :heart_eyes:

bored jack nicholson GIF

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Nahhhh if anything was gonna happen Hanry would have least have got his shirt off or even his trousers by now.
Both guests look as excited as fuck :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


mira thinking .“i know lets put some of our conquest vids on ,”

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Well it’s really getting them all worked up i can tell, or is it just my imagination? :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Henry’s recruitment agency is letting him down big time, another pair of duds looks like :joy:

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You are fibbing again :rofl:

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They do not look overly excited per now at least. :sunglasses:

im a mind reader that guy is thinking :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:
giphy (1)

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Think both of them are thinking why the fuck didn’t we stay home :joy:


That guys even making me feel b___dy depressed just looking at him :joy:

The guest girl is on her phone, could she be calling for an uber or the local equivalent?

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