Henry (Part 2)

It’s a b___dy hard life ain’t it :joy:


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Priority number one. Total relaxation. :joy:

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“Vacations” exhaust anyone, now it’s time to get back to the routine of s___ping 20 hours a day :joy:

das stimmt nicht ,nur Henry liegt im Bett. Mira geht schon die ganze Zeit morgens früh weg!

Aber Henry du könntest mal für Mira die Wohnung aufräumen, es ist schließlich heute bei euch Weihnachten oder nicht?

Same here in UK, changed all my bulbs to LED and now all works off sensors or Alexa time control to try and save on the pennies. :money_mouth_face:

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They also run the risk of image burn on the TV and the PC/laptop but hey, not my money :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I only have LED lamps in my house.
This was immediately noticeable on my electricity bill. 300 euros less per year despite increased electricity prices. :+1:

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Don’t you want to see, that noone is there ??? :rofl: :rofl: :joy:

Nipple piercing going wrong?

Haha yeah could be.

I’m totally amazed Debbie


Mira fängt an ihre Koffer auszuräumen und Henry träumt davon ihr zu helfen.

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No, they are not flat :wink:

To early for Henry yet, come on :laughing:

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Mira working hard cleaning the Bedroom & the whole Realm :revolving_hearts:

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While Henry working hard on the computer…

Maybe we should donate a few coins so the two of them can get some rest… :joy:

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Ik dacht Debbie op de sex toer maar het is maar borsten likken

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