Henry (Part 2)

Unless that video disappears, like the Bruno one did

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what does that mean?? Like gone!!!???


I don’t know, if it’s only my perception, but from the rear view, if the big boobs don’t stick out, Gerda could be mistaken for someone else. :joy:


They broke up before, I don’t know if I will come back

Palmer must have good sources, another one’s turned up now :laughing:
Mira? who’s Mira? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Had enough of this pantomime now so goodnight guys :+1:

Is she the sameone, that was at Alida recently, when Henry was there alone with the bandage?

Palmer must know, a madam or two lol

looks like they are looking for more.

I think it is her.

Alida is going to come and get her share of little Henry,

and since she is there, she’s probably gonna do that favour. :rofl: :rofl:


and some dressed ones.


I do like my share of whores thats true but those girls there seem to be decent females
even Mira hung out with the blonde and maybe even the other

I cant understtand if VHTV ban participants for violence how Henry gets away with coming back and carrying on as if nothing has happened ??? just goes to show how VHTV operate . he has always thought he is bigger than the site and just gos to show VHTV operates MONEY MONEY MONEY . He should have been banned like mane others have been for n=much less

I take it from this statement that Mira is also to be included?

anyone involved should be unless they are the victem as has been done before . and ANY MAN that hits a woman for any reason should be banned no question


So going by what was said earlier who is the victim in this case?

If what was said was accurate then both would be victims and both are attackers.

Wenn ich drei Flaschen Wodka gesoffen habe und dann die Frau schlage ,wüsste ich wer das Opfer ist!