Henry (Part 2)

Then I suggest


Fine for me. Let’s use that name.

Berlosconi or the car?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It’s like satisfying an addict ain’t it, supply and demand or is it on demand :laughing:

Jabbeth,seen henry point at glass
and tap the bandage on his arm, from there would just be spec on my part.

I can’t see it right now but someones head perhaps???

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Still Palmers having a good tutorial :laughing:
At least the nappy was laid out first for the finger banging session. :laughing:

Palmer checking his phone, maybe on an hourly rate :laughing:


well if so Henry getting moneys worth, but Henrys not doing what im doing which is typing and watching, hes making it happen. Go Henry!



I wonder how Palmer was connected

I assumed Palmer sourced and supplied the goods :laughing:

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At least Henry’s having his money’s worth, in the bathroom as well eh :laughing:
Obviously very worried about Mira :roll_eyes: :laughing:

He seems to handle the separation pretty well from what I can see. :wink:

In February 2022 Mira got pissed at him at M&M, and took off for the night, and Marica went home with him to comfort him lol

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Ah well priority’s must come first :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Both windowpanes smashed out.

Maybe she pushed him into them

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Must have been quite a f___e to break a double glazed unit???

only ones that knows are the ones that saw video