Henry (Part 2)

Well, when your life bites back in the rectum, then at least you can take a way too early ■■■■ or two. And then feel pretty good about it. :wink: :hugs:

I am pretty sure Mira will be back. In one way or another. :hugs: :slight_smile:

yup she back taking last of her bits

Ah well it looks as though the end of the M&H era has finally arrived and on it’s way out.

I don`t know how to feel about that really. If that turns out to be the case. :hugs:

The final curtain.


the end

Many reasons no doubt but i think their major error was moving into this place, just too big and spread out with awful cam views and angles.
Their last apartment had one of the best cam setups both for cam angles,views and closeness to the participants.
What would have happened if they had stayed where they were? Well we shall never know now.


Der größte Fehler war und ist Henrys Sauferei die jeden tag schlimmer wurde .


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now psycho sally as left

That may well have been a contributing factor but i honestly think jealousy finally caught up with them in the end, especially from Mira with Henry contributing to their downfall in the end.
I think this lifestyle for a couple is very difficult to sustain especially married ones as jealousy will no doubt win out in the end IMO.
They have done well to last as long as they have, what Henry or Mira will do now i have no idea.

Looks as though he is about to fall on his sword :rofl:

As was mentioned by someone during the last fight (i know better to keep my mouth shut and not mention who) - “just a normal lover’s quarrel and they need time to work it out so we need to leave them alone and support them just like you would do with couples that you personally know” - :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:.


There are probably many reasons, some we shall never know why it has come to this, but lets hope they both can learn from this experience and are able to get their marriage back on track. :+1:
Oh yes and perhaps Henry can lay off the sauce a bit more :wink:

I think Henry needs a “real man” love interest to help him get his ass back in gear. Also, I believe Mira needs some serious woman to woman bonding for mental support, as a stress relief and to act as a sex ther____t (you know what I mean - :kiss: :kissing_cat: :yum:

she performs better with other guys but she is crazy indeed so who ever the partner or even no one mira have to be in the project…

Mira kann auch schlecht alleine sein wegen ihren Anfälle.