Henry (Part 2)

Now we will be able to see, who Henry’s real friends are…Or , as like is started yesterday, they will all abandon him It is now that he needs his friends to tell him where he went wrong and to advise him how to quit smoking and _____ing

If you noticed Troy&Savannah, Kostja & Indira, and Mikl all left vhtv to save something, the first two saving their relationships, and Mikl wanted to become a better man and save himself

With Mira gone (I’m sad), the big loser in this story is VHTV. I think everyone liked Mira.


They had the perfect relationship for their lifestyle, less the a___e. Love to see her back somewhere.

:two_hearts: :dizzy: :fire:




Most of Mira’s fights with Henry happened when he would be _____ as a skunk making an ass of himself in front of the guests

This was to be expected, this could not continue to go well! he does not respect, he uses them!

Honestly never saw this couple fight maybe I didn’t pay attention because they knew each other and they trust each other and I felt they loved each others. I’m sure they still do but things happens some times with out any explanation

If you’ve been with Mira and Henry for a long time, you know that Mira kept the apartment in order. She cooked, washed, cleaned, mopped the floor and vacuumed. Henry never engaged in such mundane work. If no other woman doesn’t come back to the apartment now, I don’t want to see what the apartment looks like after three months.

The biggest loser in this drama is undoubtedly Henry. Mira usually stood by him unconditionally, no matter what the escapades he did. And no one else has fucked him in the ass with so much dedication with the thick dildo.

Let’s face it few men do home care & home without a Woman seems unstable weather including my self !
However I keep the house the best that I can when I am alone.

In the state that Henry is in right now the least he has to think about is the house. On the other hand when the man lives alone he is obliged to clean otherwise someone has to do it if he wants to have visitors

If I was Henry I Call the Blondie she does the work best in the Kitchen & even Better in the Bedroom

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I think she knew what she was doing when she decided to escape from this apartment :laughing:
It was unfortunate that when she had that pleasure on the bed with Alida she had her period.
She was certainly anti Henry.

Henry looks lost in that picture.

Well he has managed to switch on the robo cleaner :laughing: next stage is to feed himself :laughing: or will he rely on the liquid stuff :laughing:

Just arrived back possibly from a shopping trip, bag probably refilled with bottles :laughing:

Zwei Bier sind auch ein Schnitzel :laughing: