Henry (Part 2)

Not alone, he has Alida there to help keep his dick on life support :laughing:

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Miraā€™s name has been removed due to tenants request. We usually donā€™t measure the size of personal disagreements between our participants.

Helping Shiba Inu GIF


i thank you for the decency of a reply at least. :hugs:

Actually weā€™ve got some audacity to ask if we may expect our dear Mira to be back, but obviously currently even guys themselves do not really know :cry:

I do appreciate it is probably a personal problem between the two of them for whatever reason.
Lets hope they are able to resolve their differences whatever they may be.:+1:
Thanks again for your time. :two_hearts:

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We had the I&K show, now its Henry & Mira show :part 2 coming soon, keep watching folks :laughing:

Definitely wouldnā€™t describe their lives as a show. But yes, keep watching, we are together for better and worse

Und dann seine Frauen im Vollrausch mit der Faust ins Gesicht schlƤgt. So einer gehƶrt eingesperrt und aus WHTV rausgeschmissen! Jetzt wo Mira weg ist verliert WHTV Hunderte Kunden.

you know and i know she be back, just when

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Er hat sie im Vollrausch geschlagen ins Gesicht und an den Kopf!

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Schlagen sie auch ihre Frau ?oder ist das Normal in manchen LƤndern.

Mira should have stayed and kicked Henry out,

Come back I canā€™t take no pains . Come back to meā€¦ give me another chance ā€¦Its b___d in mine veins. I take all the blames ā€¦ we keep out rains I will pay the price of our separation. near me you notice love not only sex & satisfaction forget all the past no more games & aggravation

I would love for Mira to come back alone. Henry is a clown :clown_face:


May have to slightly disagree with you re the show aspect as they are performing under cams for the viewers appreciation or whatever you may like to call it, but will leave it at that.

To be honest i have never really understood the swinging lifestyle as in my opinion to some extent there has to be, in my view, the ugly word of jealousy rearing itā€™s ugly head at some time or other.
i donā€™t see how it can be avoided as itā€™s only human nature.

I understand there was an incident of violence from Henry towards Mira.
I canā€™t believe Mira would just walk away because of this one incident, it has to be an accumulation of things over time i am sure,but probably the best said about that the better.

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I hope itā€™s not the same story as Darcie & Stifler
Darcie left after a fight and since then the stifler never recovered

Chocolate tea pot? I love it!!

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Also you can watch Lola and Otto from 2018 I just noticeā€¦They were back then on VHTV

Calm down, it is not the first time they have separatedā€¦It has happened before, for 2 weeks.It may also be a pretext to create a new apartmentā€¦