Henry (Part 2)

good thing you don’t hate him think if he was on your balls…

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but what the fuck are you the phenomenon of it…I saw mira enter the house once go into the lodge and hit henry in the head so shut up if you don’t know things… :rage:


H does anyone really know what happened to the realm

he hit her my friend , thats a fact or are other people lying ? man up or do you like violence

dont reply i know what you like bye bye


22 posts were merged into an existing topic: Purgatorium :poop:

henry showed up at Alida’s realm, right arm in bondage

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This situation almost reminds me of the night Mikl apparently slapped Shana, although we never saw anything on camera, but it sounded like it. In both cases we can’t be sure what happened 100%, but violence towards women is never OK, even if they egg the guy on

I agree with you but violence towards men is also not good…

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I had a best friend we became roommates, and over time we had a falling out, one night she was so mad at me she tried to slap me, I just tried grabbing her arms, I wouldn’t fight back, and at one point I sort of pushed her on her bed so she wouldn’t slap me, but I froze at that point because I would never strike her, and left the room and went to my bedroom closed the door to calm things down

I am new to forum…what violence here?

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I agree with you violence is never the best solution… (tell me the truth by removing the violence you never liked henry)


I felt with the exception of Marica, and Shana, the women guests didn’t enjoy his attention. The truth about Indira, was once she fell in love with Kostja, she wanted to just be with him, some translation of her conversations showed she didn’t want to hurt him, but Henry wanted her and she eventually gives in, but there’s reasons after Feb, she didn’t let him touch her. My guess is by October she and Kostja needed the money, so agreed to let Henry touch and fuck her, as long as he was a participant

Does Alida know there’s a place for her to sit on the couch next to Wendy instead of laying on top of the couch :joy::laughing:

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I don’t agree the problem is that you see indira kostja as the king of vhtv and the fact that now they are gone makes you nervous…

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And Indira liked it so much she came back for seconds, thirds and more!

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Not enough though, for her and Kostja to not stay, but say goodbye to Henry & Mira at the end of January, and not be seen since

live in another country if they are comfortable they can also stay there for life…

Are you always talking about Russian participants

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