Henry (Part 2)

we are fighting among ourselves…in the topic mira and henry…

Why are we off topic? We are discussing Henry in the Mira & Henry topic.
I would say we are bang on topic.

Nobody is arguing we are all friends here it’s a friendly discussion


Not fighting bro just discussions between brothers from different countries :heart:

No ones fighting, just discussing, which is what a forum is for isn’t it?

Friendly discussion no arguing different opinions

i was wrong i apologize don’t eat me alive… :cry: :cry:

It’s all good brother :handshake: :pray::+1:

And whilst we are still all friends :laughing: They are still not back online?

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No worry pal, i am particular in what i eat :hugs:

Sooner or later I learn English and write as I want without using deepl which translates as it wants… :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

i have always found the Google Translate one works as well as any.


google translate and s__t

Fair enough, you are entitiled to your opinion. :+1:

And my opinion I didn’t mean to be rude… :+1:


so its ok to hit woman then ?

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but what are you saying I never said such a thing…

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I personally don’t hate Henry. I just think he’s a clown living Inside his head, and who’s biggest problem is he can’t read the room and realise when the women have no interest in him or his helicopter

you think the sunshine out his ass yet he hits woman


i just find it the best comedy show on VH sometimes :laughing: