Henry, Mira (Part 4)

it seemed like mira was going to go to libusa, but henry woke up and the plan apparently fell through.

Well, that didn’t last long, Henry woke up! :roll_eyes:

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I swear, Henry can smell pussy when he’s passed out cold.

looks like Mira left with Libusa and Dolph. she kissed Henry goodbye, and he went back to video games.
yep…she showed up at their place. For fun and games? :crossed_fingers:

well atleast he keeps lester in the swap to play with(video games :rofl:)

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The gathering where will they go? :rofl: :sweat_smile:

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Mira hat ein elegantes Kostüm an.


Anny and Wardo


you accused me of trolling. you labelled dolph as a woman abuser… but dolph opened a realm… you turned out to be a liar and a troll. interestingly VHTV penalises me and not you. but that doesn’t change the fact that you are a liar and the BIGGEST dishonest and troll person on VHTV.

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