Rather, I think she thinks the business is running too well to leave it in the hands of an alcoholic.
Mira’s name is still on Shelby’s door, just to be on the safe side
Name changes is quite a regular occurrence at this concept. Either on flats or participants from time to time. Whether I have an opinion about it or not that is the case.
Mira businesswoman. Who brings in the dollars, Mira or Henry? Henry’s alcoholic extravaganzas have been more profitable for a long time now. Of course, in the early days, the VHTV diva made a lot of sperm flow in front of the screens. Those days are over! She’s become a manager.
If its one thing you can say that’s constant with people. realm names and realms is …
Revolving door, even though this door obviously is tuned in on Super Duper Speed, equals a socalled Svingdør in my mother tongue. Norwegian.
Offline !..
Just saw that as well.
Offline or Relocation. Pretty common expressions in relation to this project I would say.
Umzug denke ich nicht . Offline gegangen warum auch immer …
Mira’s name is back on Henry’s site? SHOCKER!!!
Before Shelby‘s name was put on the apartment the apartment was originally Mira’s Because Henry helped her move into it
Gene is right, they do sign a contract in order to enter the project. But, Ofnadown is also right, it’s not time limited, they are free to leave whenever they choose. There is no end to the contract.
So the no time limitation works like a clause in the contract then. In other words.
I suppose. I’ve never analyzed a contract.
No, me neither, and I have no interest in doing so either. Just a small qualified guess on my part.
But Mira was barely ever there.
I’m curious to see how long Mira can hold out this time. How long she really stays here.
Because I can imagine that she doesn’t want the hustle and bustle and party atmosphere here every day.