
Two people having sex in the bathroom.

Everyone else in the apartment:


She was very vocal
Was hot, not sure who they are but they should cum again.

I’m guessing Evelyn won’t be home anytime soon
seems to be getting to be a regular thing
she gets d–nk, and has an affinity for more
and these guys she’s met ply her with even more d–gs. I just hope for her safety with these thugs. :pensive:

One of these days I’m afraid something in one of these realms that fall under Henry is going to go very wrong if he doesn’t get a handle this. One can only guess that he makes good money and he stands to lose a lot. As the saying goes in the USA now, FAFO (Fuck around, Find Out).


Sadly but the pretty girl turned out to be a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :worried:

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Agreed and also in U.S managers get punished for things employees do . Also for instance in a Brothel you have the owner (Henry) they appoint a House mother to watch over the employees and reprimand them and even fire them to save the manager from getting shut down. Bottom line is Henry needs to think with his head on his shoulders and cut loses and make hard decisions and quit worrying about his next conquest

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@Gevorg, that cam needs to come up imo

hard to see who’s there.



The top picture by the looks of it is the cam the girl messed around with.

Damn, they were going again, but looks like they’ve been kicked out.

:snowflake: :skier: bag in his hand. He should be banned. And I’m sure he is.


Last month with this site. So fucking boring.


da hat sich ja evelyn gut eingefĂŒhrt. seit dem die ihr eigene wohnung hat ,ist sie innerhalb kĂŒrzeres zeit drei mal mit drogen in berĂŒhung kam, was offizell ist. wie oft sie bei henry unter drogeneinflus stand , kann man nur vermuten. ergo raus mit dieser person, bringt einen nur Ă€rger und kosten ein. dachte sich amfang henry bestimmt, das ist ein eierlegende vollmichsau, da kommt das geld von alleine rein. aber denkste evelyn hat das gegenteil bewiesen.


Let’s see what else happens today. carolyn was with henry, mira was there too, and gave a report about what happened, henry’s facial expression spoke volumes.

I think putting other people’s livelihood in jeopardy because your friends are douchebag d_ug dealers who do :snowflake: on cameras in someone else’s realm causing it to be offline for any amount of time should not be accepted. And that exact thing has happened twice. And it’s very apparent nobody likes her friends. You could feel/see the air sucked out the room when they two dudes arrived.

If you can’t control yourself or act recklessly or bring people around who don’t have respect for people’s homes and livelihood . You deserve to be held accountable. What happened is not something someone should get a slap on the wrist for. That could cause serious problems outside of the site for everyone. I find it unacceptable and honestly selfish and I think she should be immediately banned from the site.


and above all, remember that she was allocated the flat by henry at the end of december and has attracted negative attention several times in a short space of time.

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It’s a pity that the girl gave him an eruption off camera :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


this world is not for this girl :astonished:


girl power trés belle pour ici 

What is wrong with her?

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