🎁 Funny situation of the week 14.02.24 -18.02.24 (Completed)

We continue with our weekly nominations, thank you in advance for your participation. Realms appreciate it too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“FUNNY SITUATION” is valid 14.02.24 -18.02.24. Results 19.02 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

:warning: The rules are a little more:

  • Post full screen pics/gifs or videos that fits the title of the nomination in this topic

  • Don’t forget to mention realm name/link/timeline in the post (better link)

  • Anyone can post (admin, member, manager), but only our regular users’ likes are counted.

  • Only content from actual time period is taking part in competition (currently 14.02.24 -18.02.24). Not from archive - live or recent snapshots from OUR VHTV cameras!

  • Share likes or other reactions - author of the most popular post will be gifted with +5 Premium days in the end of each week. Negative reactions count too!

  • Winning realm gets rewarded too for provided angles!

  • If the max number of likes is equal, the post from which was published later wins. But both forum users will get +5 days.

Please don’t spare the reactions, because that’s how we gather information about what you like best in live videos.

Discussions are welcome! :wink:

:eyes: Check out other nominations topics and make sure to participate!

best sex position

Sexy symbol

Sexy outfit

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Ariela fell as___p with her face in the phone :laughing:


I don’t get it, where is the funny part?

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Harmony vs Stuff Cat wrestling match


Queen and Siska :joy: :joy: :joy:, Realm 67


Great one too funny
Donald Duck Lol GIF


Itchi wants to cuddle with Queen but he like what are you doing :joy:


Too bad there was no activity in this nomination. I’m sure there were a lot of funny moments at the realms. Just lazy to post :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@John78 wins again. Congratulations! Write me in pm.


Congrats @John78 again :clap:

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S___p Yawn GIF

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Wesley Sneijder Lol GIF by Videoland

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