We continue with our weekly nominations, thank you in advance for your participation. Realms appreciate it too!
“SEXY OUTFIT” is valid 14.02.24 -18.02.24. Results 19.02
The rules are a little more:
Post full screen pics/gifs or videos that fits the title of the nomination in this topic
Don’t forget to mention realm name/link/timeline in the post (better link)
Anyone can post (admin, member, manager), but only our regular users’ likes are counted.
Only content from actual time period is taking part in competition (currently 14.02.24 -18.02.24). Not from archive - live or recent snapshots from OUR VHTV cameras!
Share likes or other reactions - author of the most popular post will be gifted with +5 Premium days in the end of each week. Negative reactions count too!
Winning realm gets rewarded too for provided angles!
If the max number of likes is equal, the post from which was published later wins. But both forum users will get +5 days.
Please don’t spare the reactions, because that’s how we gather information about what you like best in live videos.
Discussions are welcome!
Check out other nominations topics and make sure to participate!
I don’t find this to be true. The older the post the harder it is for new users to the topic to find and react to. The randomizer gives posts with the same amount of emoji reactions an equal chance to win. Ie. the most fair option.
However, it already seems like you have your mind made on how you want things in to be. Why ask for our input then? Simply for the lip service?