Goodbye Connor
and you are one of them
Он вернется через некоторое время. Ему нужно помочь сделать дверь, которая сломалась у его друга. Так что он не навсегда уходит !
Housing isn’t cheap there, but Ken would take him in if he didn’t have a place to stay.
You make up wild stories here.
he cant control his hormones
Well, take advantage now that the door will take time to be fixed and fuck with Marv
you shouldn’t have said that. You broke the whole spell.
Flora reminds me Bella and Tony , they olso started slowly-slowly in the living room.
She cheated on yan with aderyn too? Before or after her throwing things at yans crotch and face!
If they can bring flora back , they have no reason to not bring evan back!
I thought lukas was connors commenting name! I knew it!
What did she do to Aderlyn (regarding cheating)?
I have rarely seen flora smiling.she was constantly yelling at something when she was with Yan.
Uh, what…?
That was the time when it was her real life/herself
Well prob nothing cuz he was alwas rubbing yans back and feet, plus i dont think he liked her, by the way he looked at her! But how would i know? U really should ask some1 who would know!