Flora (Part 1)

This clown said it, i dont think aderyn would!


So you are a liar!

They claimed that Flora Yan had cheated multiple times with Aderlyn. Now when asked if you say you don’t know…

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@JonR said something completely different:

The steps are:

(right) reading … understanding/thinking … writing something in the forum …

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:partying_face: :heart_eyes:


to me it was obvious connor and flora was not a real relationship just sexual business partners from the start outside the shows there is no intimacy and she never did this kind of s__t when she was with yan

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before anyone disagrees with this flora agrees with me ( she just thumbs up my post)


After a stormy relationship with Yan, I’m glad to see this Flora enjoying life!

Well if i said it( which i didnt in fact, i never talked to u) but if i did ( which i didnt), i was a liar, but i didnt say it! Now u just go back to live cams and find some1 jo to and leave me alone! Kkthx

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It really shows that this boy likes him a lot! Connor doesn’t like him, I noticed it since I saw them together.

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She PROB always did, poor yan!

Accents on the PROB meaning i suspect and have no doubt, but i cant prove it! It wont be long before old flora chirps in with a creepy post!

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You’ll also remember that it’s only her name on the apartment and it’s not called Flora and Connor, despite them living together. Or maybe they don’t and he just s___ps over?

In any case, I really don’t see Flora s___ping with this guy. There is laughing and playfulness but I don’t sense any sexual chemistry from her. Too much teasing and she’s been turning down any sort of real advancements from him.

How could ME the nicest person on here, get all the haters! U losers need throw some of your bs. Marvs way! K kthx

I don’t care what @Flora does as long as she’s happy and loving life that’s all that matters to me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::hugs:
Love u Flora always :hugs:


its because they have different managers but i suppose we will get our definitive answer if connor fucks another girl he did not do that once when he was with wynona

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the 2 girls are not coming back tonight? :confused:

The last “manager” Connor was associated with was Ken, and he quit as manager after learning a lot (some penalties).