Flora (Part 1)

What was the act? didn’t look like much to me, and he could have seen everything on the phone, so why bother?


He was waiting for the right timing

“i’m will take a bath with my boyfriend best friend and my boyfriend doesn’t know” :grin:

She even interrupts the show to advertise on forum lol

Что вы хоти́те э́тим сказа́ть? :thinking:

Energy crises: save (warm) water… In addition, cuddling also warms a bit… the other thing was a bit of “research”… :joy:

it’s just for the audience!!!

L’appartement a pour nom Flora. Connor n’est pas mentionné, donc on déduit qu’ils ne sont pas ensemble puisque Flora vient de prendre un bain avec un copain de Connor. Ou alors, ils sont très libérés, et Connor ne veut pas avoir son nom sur cet appartement… Vous en pensez quoi??


Flora says some creepy s__t!

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There are many apartments where the names of the participants and the actual occupants do not always match.

Well Flora i guess has to find sexual satifaction elsewhere!i guess if it was flora and connors realm, everyone would think him( connor) a cuckold like golo might be!

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Angry Connor ruins all the fun! Flora, you’re better off alone.

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I dont think golo is 1 cuz he gets mad, connor seems happy about floras sexual acts right in front of him!

If Connor were angry he could have stopped everything in the bathroom …

I asked my crystal ball (and yes, I really have one, even if it’s a photo accessory :yum:):
from the experiences with yan and the general observations over the last few months i would assume she is (at the moment) with connor. but just like with aderyn in the old apartment, certain things are quite conceivable with others, maybe a hand job, a blowjob too. but sex will remain exclusive with connor

I think it was a good show from Flora! :heart_eyes: :heart:

I don’t know if I’m jealous of Marv or if I should feel sorry for him… :joy: :joy: :joy:

At least it was an entertaining evening. :+1:

Thank you @Flora :heart:


He can’t because Flora rules here. If he messes up what Flora is doing, he leaves the apartment and doesn’t come back.

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what if he helped her get the apartment :thinking:

in if she didn’t want connor there he would have been gone already :man_shrugging:

I see it similarly, Flora is a smart business woman and knows what people want to see …

She had given Yan a lot of freedom, he was allowed to do everything except real penetration.

Thanks for the entertaining night It was great @Flora :heart: :hugs: