Flora (Part 1)

Sorry, my fault again :wink:


I share responsibility and apologise for it. :blush:

I have once again, not helped us avoid going off topic (well sort of - it was originally on topic as it was a follow on from the specific subject of Flora and Dennis’s meal, followed by the one Lukas has no doubt enjoyed).


Let’s go back on topic with a pic that might help David getting over the asparagus saga :blush: :innocent:


Yes, now I am thinking of buns! :laughing:

There is already a couple of them

I had the second one in mind actually. I didn’t know about the other 2.

That’s perfectly understandable and fine. In fact, we can add some nuts as well and no, i don’t mean the ones used for nutmeg powder :stuck_out_tongue: :hugs: :innocent:


Buns with nuts…yep that works for me! :laughing:

I am sure there is a sausage there somewhere (as if I don’t know where :laughing: ) as well.

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After conducting a very serious and deep investigation, i believe that somehow, this pic could provide an answer :thinking: :innocent:


Oh yes…that solves the entire matter…so now I know!

OK all jokes aside, thank you for the pictures, much appreciated.

Also for the good natured exchanges. I think you (and most people on the forum, to be fair) are well and truly used to my utterly daft sense of humour by now!


Next time you make lasagne, grate some nutmeg into the meat sauce. Gives an amazing “edge” (also good in cheese sauces)

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It’s ok pal we do make allowances :laughing:

Quite sure i have seen this girl somewhere before :thinking: :wink:

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It’s lovely Faye

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I know that ass

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For sure it’s in my memory

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No, she’s new… :crazy_face: :sweat_smile: :joy:

I believe she hasn’t earned a name yet, who knows, maybe we are lucky and she earns one today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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She got named Trisha when she visited Queen some days ago :joy: :joy:


I don’t recognise any of them “names” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: