
When you donate to a realm do the participants know who donated, how much they donated

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very good question and expect clear answer :+1:

Nope. They just get the money you donated additional to their salary. They won’t know who did it

They get 70% of the money you donate. The other 30% is split equally between VHTV, the manager & processing fees. As Jabbath said, the donations are anonymous.

Why should VHTV get any of the donation? They are already getting our Premium payments.

Turn Up Money GIF by Joel Byars


That is very unfair, The participants should be told that someone has donated a sum of money and given it, for the appreciation of being on camera

Well this is not a webcam site. So they don’t want you to tip people for doing something. That’s why it’s all anonymous.

i am okay with being anonymous but i really don’t like VHTV taking 30% . That is like tipping your waiter and finding they don’t get it.

just like preachers on tv… send your money to the Lord… but… heres my address

Well VHTV is the waiter delivering your money :money_mouth_face:

and what benefits does this tip bring us?

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Makes you feel you’re a good person.

I would like to see a donation list some where in my profile pages that I can view, but not the public. I can’t remember who & how much I sent donations to.

i may know the answer to my question but here it is anyway … i would like to donate to a realm and designate the gift for the person or persons i choose in the realm. Possible?

Is the value the same for different quantities purchased ? If I buy 1000 coins and donated 50, is the value to the apt the same as if I purchased 400 coins and donated 50 ?

Well it is when you are continually getting fanny’s and asses shoved into the cams lens and manourvering around on the bed or sofa to get the best cam view for their actions :rofl:
Don’t forget the donate button to if anybody uses it and for what purpose :laughing:

Tenants are only getting the donation and nothing else, nor who donated and for what purpose, nothing.

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You’ve got to be kidding. You and every other subscriber pay them every month. It’s their job and you pay them for it.

I think you just proved my point. It’s live porn vs. recorded porn.

I’m not sure what your point was with that one, but the fact that it’s live doesn’t make it any less a porn site.

John, you can call it voyeurism, but that doesn’t mean it is. If you think this is voyeurism, someone has lied to you. It hasn’t been a voyeur site in many years, and it was never a true voyeur site. In a true voyeur site, the tenants would be completely unaware of the cameras, but that, of course, would be illegal.

Why not? People think it’s a porn site because that’s exactly what it is.

Again, I say why not. People pay, if they choose, to watch people on this site. The exact same thing happens on CB. People on this site perform sex acts for our pleasure. Same as on CB. This site is live action, just like CB. This site may as well be a sister site to CB. The exact same things happen on both sites.

The only difference is the way they get paid; tokens vs. subscriber payments.

Man, with all my respect we not getting anywhere like this. We do not pay them as in Chaturbate to perform sexual acts, simple as that. We pay to get access to cameras and that`s all. If they choose to perform sexual acts it is only on them part and this is where the major difference is, on CB people ask and pay for certain things here not.

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