Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Of course comparing with what happens in Ukraine this sounds like nothing. To people who never experienced something before it might be bad. Losing job and maybe not being able to get one can be bad relative to their other experiences in life they made…

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If they don’t get a job, they can always go into the army. :man_facepalming:

Pretty sure that is one of the least favorable jobs right now…

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I would agree with you in almost every other situation, but relativity empathy is something I have held in high esteem throughout my life, but with the enormity of suffering that many Russians have inflicted on Ukrainians I just cannot feel this at the moment - as I said, I hope that changes as I am angry that I f___ed to feel like this.

Piece a cake, right? Why nobody thought about it I wonder :thinking:

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You say that but they don’t really as that is normally only possible at an election.
I just can’t see them rising up in any great numbers yet in order to bring about change and even if they did Putin would only remove them by f___e and silence them. This is how life is in a communist country unfortunately, especially Putins version of communism.

I can’t imagine that either, but if the people don’t do anything, things won’t get any better for them in the future either. Alternatively, of course, a coup by the military would be an opportunity to kick Putin’s ass, but for that they would first have to find out what’s really happening in Ukraine and why it’s happening…

I’m no religious person but I just had an epiphany. Youtube’s algorithm helped a bit. It came up with this video:

I don’t think sending weapons to Ukrain will end this war. (I know: If I were there I might think different) I think sending a message to the Russian people will have more effect. A global message. From the people they know and admire. Artists. The arts will save us.

We need a new Bob Geldof. Someone who can act quickly and organize a global event that even Russian censors and firewalls can not stop. An event that will reach the people of Russia and make it absolutely clear what is happening.

Russian people love music just like everybody else, We here can hear what is on the playlists of participants. American, English and European artists are very popular in Russia. If they would speak to their fans, telling them what is the truth and what is propaganda, it might help to raise awareness about the war. Every revolution starts with awareness. If the people don’t know what is going on, nothing will change.

Who is going to organise this event? Bono? Mick Jagger? Madonna? Lady Gaga? Brad Pitt? What celebrity is well known in Russia and is willing to step up? Please come up with suggestions and we will start a revolution.

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I am not the only one.

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Russis is not a communist country. Many use this term completely wrong. Communism is only an ideology about how to organise the economy, and about who owns the wealth. Belarus for example is a communist country, with a planned economy and public ownership. The Soviet Union used to be a communist country, but today’s Russia is not. Today’s Russia has a market economy with private ownership.

I think autocracy is the word you are looking for. That is a country with strong autoritarian control, regardless of economic system, and it would describe both Russia and Belarus.

You are so kind for your valued opinion.
So lets say Mr Putin,ex communist, ex KGB, now an autocrat or in other words a dictator.
You seem to make Russia sound so lovely.where freedom of speech is almost non existant.
Note i did say “especially Putins version of communism”

Um, strong authoritarian control doesn’t sound very lovely imo :slightly_smiling_face:

I make it sound like it it is so lovely? Where did I do that? I said Russia is an autocracy! Putin is authoritarian! That is a fact. It is you who mix in communism, like authoritarian autocrat isn’t bad enough. So in your opinion. What makes it communism? You need to define what you mean by communism then.

Thanks for this.
I’ve wanted to know more but have been hesitant to ask.

Well i’m going to say this so if i was Russian and living in Russia and saw what was going on with no jobs and so on of course i would support Ukraine what i would do is get the hell out of Russia as much as it’s all their home town and everything all Russian people should make a stand and leave Russia and then send a message to the Russian government that unless Putin and all his army buddies or either shot and executed and a new government is formed then they will not return. Of course if they didn’t want to leave then there is nothing they can do if they join the army then going by the news they will be f___ed to carry out the r__es and m____r so joining the army is a no go. The only option is to leave.

How many Russian people are really aware the situation in Ukraine ?

How many percent of Russian people still support Putin?

How many Russian people are affraid by Putin and his police?

How many Russian officer is ready to sacrify his life to kick Putin’s ass?

How many opponents to Putin still alive can do anything ?

But I agree the solution against Putin must come from inside of Russia.

i not for Russia to have this war ,but this site is not about war ,is for enjoyment ,if there are Russians on here so what ,what I can see from the TV a lot of Russians ,dont want this war

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I am not sure that the people do have the power at the moment to toverthrow their government . There is no chance of a vote to change their leaders at the moment or even any time soon.

If you had read it properly i did say…

Then again am not gonna argue over semantics am sure you have better things to post about. :roll_eyes:

Many accurate comments in your post i must admit. :+1:
Yep definately a hard life on VH eh :rofl:

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I’m utterly furious with whomever wrote the above, they need a fucking slap. The sheer fucking audacity of some people.

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