Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Made me laugh reading that Valery Gerasimov is their experienced military strategist, well he has certainly made a right fuck up of their strategy.

He already does not look like the brightest star on the sky :joy:

Great Army. They can’t drive either.

Maybe the idiots think they can breathe through the turret sticking out now :rofl:

Rire de la guerre est totalement irrĂ©aliste, Vladimir Poutine fait un massacre sur les civils incluant femmes et enfants et c’est horrible de nos jours, mais je vois qu’ici on arrive Ă  faire de l’humour entre 2 branlettes en se moquant des soldats Russes qui pour la plupart on Ă©tĂ© bernĂ©s sur ce qu’ils allaient vraiment faire chez leurs voisins et frĂšres Ukrainiens. Le gouvernement Ukrainien accepte l’envoi d’armes des USA et de l’UE mais il est le seul Ă  ne pas avoir compris que plus il est Ă©quipĂ© plus il va recevoir de missiles sur sa population civile, et Poutine se fait traiter de boucher, une Ă©quation simple pourtant, tous les soirs les pays soit-disant amis, comptent les recettes de ventes d’armes et les USA ont dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©parĂ© les contrats de vente de gaz liquide Ă  toute l’Europe, une nouvelle stratĂ©gie Ă©conomique sale, sanglante ou l’argent passe devant les vies humaines aussi bien Ukrainiennes que Russes. VoilĂ  un aperçu du monde dans lequel vont vivre nos enfants. Personne n’ira jamais aider militairement l’Ukraine j’espĂšre qu’il a enfin compris ça. C’est tout ce que voulaient les yankees avec leur esprit de conquĂȘte et de domination pour se dĂ©barrasser du bloc impĂ©rialiste de l’est, et tout ça a Ă©tĂ© calculĂ© et gardĂ© au chaud depuis bien longtemps. Ouvrez les yeux le gouvernement Biden n’avait aucune raison d’aider le prĂ©sident Zelensky et vous savez tous pourquoi.
Vladimir Poutine est un assassin, mais les USA et l’OTAN sont certainement pire et bien plus pervers, mais ça on a pas le droit de le dire, quand on le dit on est emprisonnĂ© et torturĂ©, comme en Russie.
L’UE avait le pouvoir d’éviter la guerre, mais elle ne l’a pas fait car ça n’arrangeait pas tout le monde.
Tout ça n’a absolument rien de drĂŽle, on doit mĂȘme avoir peur car demain ils iront encore plus loin, je contrebalance certains commentaires en noircissant ce forum, mais en mĂ©moire et par respect pour toutes les victimes innocentes, le dr__eau noir est de rigueur chez nous.

Some one needs to pick them off one by one and watch Putin lose his mind

It was a submarine commander that was in charge of this tank :joy:

Interesting today that a top British Analyst believes that Putin does not know how bad his troops moral and equipment really is. Everyone close to him is too frightened to tell him.

It’s called a snorkel :diving_mask::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy::joy:

NEXTA @nexta_tv

Tank T-34 at the memorial to #Soviet troops in #Berlin covered with #Ukrainian flag #Russian Embassy sent a note of protest, but the Berlin authorities replied that the T-34 tank was developed in Ukrainian city of #Kharkiv.

british analyst’s are big liars.they said that ıraq has chemical weapon and to bring democracy in ıraq. they invated whole country and k__led 1 million ıraq people.

To be fair and balanced, this information was from many sources not just British.

Ukrainians face hellish escape from besieged Mariupol

Sting - Russians

What has changed when you read these 1980’s lyrics Sting wrote as you listen? Putin stated all along this was about Russia’s security. Really? From whom? Nobody in 2022 is interested in destroying Russian values let alone invade Russia. Everyone respects your rich and valued Russian culture in our World and Russian beliefs. Nobody is interested in taking that away from you.

Song Lyrics

In Europe and America there’s a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
Mister Krushchev said, “We will bury you”
I don’t subscribe to this point of view
It’d be such an ignorant thing to do
If the Russians love their c___dren too
How can I save my little boy from Oppenheimer’s deadly toy?
There is no monopoly on common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology, regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their c___dren too

There is no historical precedent
To put the words in the mouth of the president?
There’s no such thing as a winnable war
It’s a lie we don’t believe anymore
Mister Reagan says, “We will protect you”
I don’t subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their c___dren too

John Lennon

Yes, there is a clear path to drive the car between them but would I risk it? Hell no!

I hope no-one comes along with a Reliant Robin :rofl: :rofl:



Seems tonight they attacked the suckers in their own country. Destroyed a fuel depot in Belgorod :smiling_imp::ukraine:


I hope it was done on purpose.

Pretty sure about that. Seems the Russians have no air defense at all

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