Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Do they even know what “air defense” means? They’ve been so aggressive that I think they forgot war is a two-way street: offense and defense.

I hope Ukraine keeps attacking them. They can’t attack when they have to defend in their own country… :joy::smiling_imp:

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Yes, I hope so too. There is no law saying that they cannot attack back – and if there was – then fuck it – bomb their asses. (pardon my language!)

They thought they didn’t need it; in accordance with their military doctrine, only Russians attack others, not the other way…

Not sure if this is a wise thing to do. It might get Putin back the support from his own people. It might trigger him to use bigger weapons.

As long as they only attack military targets it will weaken their army even more…

I just read Germany will provide 58 APCs to Ukraine. I really hope that’s not an April fool’s joke…

Does it really matter? some reliable sources confirm that 80% of Russians support Putin anyway, whether because of propaganda or fear, but, that’s the fact; their f___es use everything what they have, no matter what;

[quote=“sparky, post:3343, topic:14134”]
What has changed when you read these 1980’s lyrics Sting wrote as you listen? Putin stated all along this was about Russia’s security. Really? From whom? Nobody in 2022 is interested in destroying Russian values let alone invade Russia. Everyone respects your rich and valued Russian culture in our World and Russian beliefs. Nobody is interested in taking that away from you.

Couldn’t agree more, it must be inbred in them in birth as they seem to think everybody is out to get them whereas no one could give a fuck about Russia or what they do in their own country.

Makes you wonder where all this aggression and obsessiveness comes from and why.
They have this obsessive nature of wanting to control everything and everybody which i suppose is the old communist doctrine rearing it’s ugly head again.
If they want to live like that fine that’s their problem not ours.
Much like the middle east problems, yes their way of life and laws are not the wests way of life then so be it.
Why many in the west seem to think they have the right to interfere in their ways and convert them to our ways beats me which has been the reasons for all conflicts out there.

In my country, yes The Netherlands, we had at the time a huge debate on wether to participate in the war in Afghanistan. At first the majority was against. But then there came this argument of womens rights, girls being alowed to go to school, healthcare and everything. So we participated. We went there to ‘Win the Hearts and Souls of the Afghan People’. Dutch men and women died. In vain because all they built up there has been destroyed by the Taliban. Next time we will think twice.

Is doing nothing an option? The world is a small place. We can see when there is a war somewhere, when women rights are being v_____ed. Here we are still grateful for the soldiers who liberated us from the Nazi’s. We will never forget and we want to help those in need.

If it is part of a country’s culture, to suppress women and girls (Afghanistan), k__l half of the population (Rwanda) or discriminate against homosexuals (Hungary and many other countries) shoud we respect these cultures and look the other way? Or should we send our men and women and have them k__led in vain?

Personally i do think we should respect others country’s cultures, ok so their ways may not be ours but who is to say we are right all the time.
As you say what right have we to risk lives of our own brave me and women to try and change others cultures.
Whilst we may not agree with their ways, looking at it from the other side they do not agree with ours.
Who is right or wrong is open to debate but if you want to change others ways you can only do it by reasoning and by example. Using f___e to do it only hardens their view against us.
If many of their women and men want to live by our rules and ways they can always move as many have and have settled for our way of life well.
But we have no right to dictate to others how they should or should not live.
It ls like many of the arabs who live by the non achohol standards but that doesn’t stop them coming over here and having a b___dy good piss up :rofl: but they always return to their homeland so obviously the pull of their culture is more important to them.
We have no right to impose our ways of life on anybody but that doesn’t mean we have to give up with reasoned arguments.

World war 1 & 2 was a completely different thing as that was just about one mans/country’s lust for power over everybody else and nothng else really.

Please correct me if I’m wrong: if you would have been Churchill, you would have thought ‘Oh these concentration camps, this genocide, it’s just the culture on the continent’ ? Surely not. I know, looking back in history it’s easy to say who is wrong and who is right.
What are these ‘reasoned arguments’? Getting real philosophical here. All we are is DNA wanting to survive. VHTV is a perfect example of this.
Culture or not, I think when we see people k__ling other people, we should act. I am sure you agree. And I am also sure that if that would mean that our son or d______r would have to go there, we would not be happy campers. Nobody said evolution is easy.

The genocide thing i did overlook but the german regime at that time thought they were the master race and jews seem to raise a very contentious issue with many i must admit, but then we are delving in the very contentious issue of religion on which i am not going there pal.
Yep as you say evolution is not easy but i would not want my sons or d______r to risk their lives but that is only my selfish attitude and probably not my moral one.

Did he get his medals out of a Christmas cracker? They certainly wouldn’t be for gallantry or bravery in the face of the enemy,wanker!!!

There are doubts about who fired the missile into the Russian fuel depot as it is not clear if it was a Russian or Ukranian aircraft. There are reports that Russia are redeploying elements of its f___es from Georgia. Source of this is Sky News from Britains Ministry of Defence also reported which is cold comfort is that Russia does not have enough resources to attack Kyiv,

Old news but some thing to think about.
Russian nuclear-armed aircraft v_____ed Swedish airspace 31.03.2022, 14:15

Оригінал статті - на сайті Українського кризового медіа-центру: https://uacrisis.org/en/ros-litaky

As Sweden is not in NATO (yet) they could shoot it down without risking WW3 :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, agree. But the big thing is Russia looks like it is not above using such weapons. Maybe a test run for some thing bigger. I hate the thought… IMO Some one needs to deal with them soon before they get any big ideas like world domination… Putin said that Russia has no borders.

Ukraine to pay for handing over military equipment from Russia

The Verkhovna Rada passed a law providing for the establishment of a material reward for the transfer to the Armed F___es of Ukraine of usable military equipment from Russian invaders. Remuneration is provided for both the military of the Russian Federation and the citizens of Ukraine.

Thus, the document provides for remuneration of servicemen of the Armed F___es, other law enf___ement agencies of the Russian Federation, as well as servicemen of the Armed F___es of Ukraine, other structures of the Ukrainian security and defense sector, Ukrainians for voluntarily transferred to the Armed F___es suitable for use

  • combat aircraft (fighter and assault aircraft) - $ 1,000,000;

  • combat helicopter - $ 500,000;

  • multiple rocket launcher - 25,000 - 35,000 dollars;

  • tank, ground artillery (self-propelled) - $ 100,000;

  • i____try fighting vehicle (landing), armoured personnel carrier, armoured reconnaissance patrol vehicle - $ 50,000;

  • military vehicle (truck, specialized), military tractor, military engineering vehicles: reconnaissance, demining, mine barriers, bridges, fences, for paving roads, for earthworks, to overcome water obstacles - $ 10,000;

  • ships of 1 or 2 rank - 1 000 000 dollars;

  • ships of 3rd or 4th rank - $ 500,000;

  • military (auxiliary) support vessels - $ 200,000;

  • small combat (reconnaissance) vessels - $ 50,000.

Ah Ah Ah Le Président Ukrainien ne sait pas ce qu’est la honte, il ose demander de l’aide à Israel avec les monuments à la gloire de bandera WTF, c’est ça d’élire un acteur à la tête de son pays.